She changed quickly and walked to Fairy Tail, greeting Levy as she sat down at their table. “So,” Levy asked, “did you decided what you're going to get Natsu?”

“Not yet,” Lucy sighed. “He barged in this morning before Gray and I had thought of any great ideas, so we had to stop. We're meeting up tomorrow with Juvia to browse the stores though.”

“Why is Juvia going?”

“She heard me asking Gray to go, and insisted on going too,” she chuckled. “She's still convinced that I'm her love rival.”

“But it's so obvious that he secretly likes her,” Levy giggled. “He's always sneaking glances at her, and is always there when she needs him.”

“Sounds like somebody else I know,” Lucy said, pointedly looking at Gajeel, who stood by the bar with Lily and had been staring at Levy.

“Don't give me hope, Lu-chan,” Levy sighed. Lucy laughed, patting her on the shoulder. “Do you know how you're going to confess?”

“Not yet,” Lucy blushed.

“Just blurt it out,” Levy told her. “That's the best way to do it!”

“How about you try it,” Lucy said.

“I couldn't,” Levy frowned.

“Levy! Ready to go?” Jet asked, calling to Levy.

“I'll see you later Lu-chan. Good luck with everything!” Levy joined her teammates, leaving with them.

“Did Natsu ask anymore questions?” Gray asked, sitting beside her.

“No, I changed the subject pretty quickly,” she said. “But he was acting a little weird when he left.”

“That idiot will forget about it by dinner,” he reassured her, putting his hand over hers.

“You're probably right. Natsu can be an airhead sometimes, can't he?” She giggled. That's one of the things I like about him, though. He can be really cute and innocent at times, and so brave and strong at others.

“There's Natsu. I'll see you later.” Gray went to go talk to Elfman when Natsu and Happy approached their table.

“Hey, you two,” Lucy greeted them.


“Charle!” Spotting the white Exceed entering the guildhall, Happy immediately took off in her direction.

Lucy giggled, looking up at Natsu. “He really likes her, huh?”

“I guess,” he shrugged.

“So, I was thinking, since you're healed now, maybe we could go on another job.” She suggested.

“Fine. When do you want to go?”

“How about tomorrow afternoon? I have some stuff to do in the morning, but you're usually asleep until noon anyways.”

“Sure. Want to meet at the train station at one?”

“Yeah!” She smiled. “Oh! I'll be right back. I needed to talk to Mira!” Lucy left him at the table, going to where Mira sat with Lisanna and Elfman.

“Hey Lucy!” Lisanna smiled.

“Hey! Mira, I wanted to ask you a favor,” Lucy whispered.

“Sure, Lucy. What is it?”

“I want to have a surprise party for Natsu here at the guildhall. I was thinking that, the day before the party, Erza could keep him busy so we could decorate. And then the next day I'll get him and bring him to Fairy Tail for the party.”

“That's a wonderful idea!” Mira said, excitedly. “What kind of a theme do you want to have?”

“I'm not sure yet,” Lucy sighed. “I've been making plans with Gray about all of this, so I'll probably know in a few days.”

“Alright. Let me know as soon as you decide,” Mira smiled.

“This is going to be so fun!” Lisanna said.

“You have to help me keep it a secret,” Lucy grinned, winking.

“You can count on us!” Lisanna told her.

“It looks like they're at it again,” Mira giggled, looking behind her. Just then, she heard shouts and a crashing noise. When she turned, she saw that Natsu, Gray, and Gajeel were fighting, as usual.

“Why do they always have to fight?” She groaned.

“It's how they show they respect each other. Otherwise, they wouldn't care to test each others' strength.” Mira said.

“Couldn't at least do it outside? They're going to destroy the guildhall one of these days.”

“I wouldn't worry about that too much. Master always stops it before that.”

Lucy joined in her laughter, watching the three of them punch each other. I'll definitely tell Natsu how I feel on the day of his birthday party!

That's it for chapter 4! Thanks so much for reading! :D 

Light My Fire [Nalu] {The FT Love Chronicles; Book 3}Where stories live. Discover now