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I wake up in my cell, with pain. Lots of pain. Giving birth kind of pain. So I call the officer outside.

"I need help! I'm about to give birth, please, help!" I yell, and the officers arrive running.

"Come on." They say. They both grab my arms and sit me down in a wheelchair. I haven't seen anyone in a long time, so I ask them if they can call Dr. Fischman. Who told me he would be there when the moment arrives. And they answer a yes. The pain is stronger than me so I pass out.

I wake up at the hospital, breathing heavily. Fischman stands in front of me, smiling softly and sadly. He know that after this, my baby will be separated from me and I'll never go out again. But he grabs my hand and says:

"Your body is ready, come on."

So I start doing what I do. I push, I push, and I push. I need the pain to stop, and I need to see my son or daughter. They never told me what sex was he or she.

So I push even harder, and finally, he comes out. A tiny, beautiful little boy, but I can't look at him when Fischman takes him and wakes him up, Fischman locates me with his hands and gives me the baby, little Mason.

And I start crying as I see him. Not because I love him, not because I'm touched, but because what I've done again.

"What's happening Carrie? Why are you crying?" Asks Dr. Fischman.

"Mason... his eyes..." I whisper.


Then Mason opens his eyes entirely and lets his mother look at them.

One eye without color.

The other eye with three colors in it.

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