Chapter 24.

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Weeks have go by. Then a month, and it feels like eternity. Mia doesn't pick up our calls, not even her friends calls. Anything. We even tried going to her house, but her mother doesn't let us go in.

She says she's not ready. So we decided to give her time.

I'm going to meet Dr. Fischman with Lena at the Kaffe Kazz. We're holding hands and walking to the cafeteria when Lena is stopped by a beautiful girl and her boyfriend.

"Taissa!" She says. "Oh my God! This is Ethan, my boyfriend." She introduces me to her.

"Damn, he's cute, and by the way, I'm Taissa and this is my boyfriend Matthias." She says and then kisses me in the cheek, I shake the boy's hand and smile.

"So, where are you going?" Aks Lena.

"To... my house, humm... We were thinking of... watching a movie or something... yeah" They were totally gonna get laid.

"Oh, ok. We'll, see you later then." Says Lena and starts walking, then she says. "And be careful, secure, safe." And winks an eye to Taissa, who blushes as a tomato.

We get to the cafeteria, and as always, Fischman is waiting for us.

"What's up?" I say as I sit down. Lena sits down next to me.

"Hi. Do you know anything about Mia?" Asks Fischman.

"No, we've tried everything. But she doesn't want to come out or just speak to us." I say.

"That's so bad to hear." He says. "I actually called you because of two reasons."

"What are those reasons?" Asks Lena.

"One, is that I need your help at the lab. I checked your grades and you both are excellent at biology. And the second is, I want to tell the world about your case." He says.

"What?" I ask.

"You heard me. It could be another species, you guys. It could help generations to find out what their three colored-eye means. You could become famous." He says.

"Not yet, Fischman. First we need to settle down with Mia, and see what's going on. Then we'll do whatever you need" I say.

Lena and I get to my home, and go to my room. Mom asked me to let the door open, painfully awkward. We watch a movie or two, and then I fall asleep. I dream about what would happen if we found a way to be with Mia.

How could we three be together in a relationship, how?

But when I wake up, I'm just with Lena. She's sleeping in my chest, so I don't move, afraid of waking her up. I look at my cellphone and see 6 missing calls and a dozens of texts. The first one of them say:

"Mia has been a tacked by a colorless eyed person, you both need to come here. We're at my lab." –Fischman.

I wake Lena up, and we both hurry.

Our love of our lives has been atacked.

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