Chapter 1.

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I wake up and instantly get out of bed, hurrying to get ready. I stand in front of the mirror, watching my eyes. Every single morning I wake up and hope for my eyes to be changed. Hope for this weird 3 color eye to be just one, like everyone else's. I watch my right eye as I blink. Light Blue, Yellow, Black. It's beautiful, in some weird way. But it means something. And I hate meanings. I watch my left eye, completely Yellow. And then I feel someone staring at me.

"Stop worrying" says my mom from behind me, she was standing at the door of my bathroom. "You just have some colors, it could mean you fall in love easily, like your Aunt Mary" she says, and puts her hand in my shoulder.

"Mom, how was it? When you met dad." I ask her.

"It was my first day at this work in this building, where every office was besides from the other. Everybody could watch what you were doing. And I was with my boss when this beautiful, tall man entered the room and asked something to our boss. And in that moment he turned his sight to me, and saw me straight in the eyes. My Green eye instantly became Yellow, like yours. And his yellow eye, became green. Everybody was standing, and clapping, they were happy. And it was so awkward. Because I didn't know your dad." She said.

"And how did you became a couple? I mean, wasn't it awkward?" I ask.

"Yeah, at the beginning. But our eyes never lie. And in a matter of hours, I fell in love." She says. "Now, go ahead and take a bath. You'll never know when you'll met the love of your life, honey" she says and leaves the bathroom. I smile.

I stand again in the mirror, but now looking at my outfit, since I'm pretty popular at my school, I have to dress pretty good. And be like one of the cool kids. First I hated it, but know, I'm used to the attention. I walk out of the bathroom to our house's kitchen and grab a yogurt. I scream a goodbye and walk out of home to my beautiful boyfriend, Kent Leener.

"Hi Lena." He says and opens his car door. His Porsche car door. And maybe it's a little bit weird, the fact that we are dating but our eyes keep being different no matter how much I stare at him. But we don't care, it's not like I'm in love with him to be the father of my children. And people do that, even if your eyes tell you to love someone, you can decide to do it or not. But people talk a lot of bullshit and they take you as a bad person if you deny what your eyes say.

Finally we get to school and I get out of his car, kiss him quickly and go inside the school.

As a 16 year-old teenager, popular, and beautiful, I have earned some respect with the matter of time, so people are a little bit afraid of getting in trouble with me. So when I walk by, everybody watches and step aside. It's something that just needs to happen, or they will get some trouble.

I walk through the hall on my way to physics, but in the entrance of the classroom, there is this one guy, standing. I clear my throat and he steps side, I realize he's new, and some hope borns in my heart, but when I look at him in the eyes, nothing happens. The bell rangs and everybody gets in, I go straight to the corner, and my popular friends sit down beside me. The teacher gets in and says hi to the class. Then she says that we have a new classmate. The guy I had hope for.

"Mathias, come here in front of the class." Says our teacher.  My best friend Taissa starts laughing at his look, he's scared.

Mathias walks in front of the class, looking at the ground. Then he introduces himself as the new guy from Europe. He has a pretty nice accent. He looks at everybody, mad, when everyone laughs at him. It's a tradition we have for newbies. But then something happens.

He looks straight at Taissa. And I realize what's about to happen.

Mathias has a right Green eye and a Brown left eye.

Taissa has a left Green eye and a Brown right eye.

Then their eyes change.

Taissa becomes a Brown eye girl, and Mathias a Green eye boy.

Everybody is in a deep silence. Then Taissa says:

"What the actual fuck?"

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