Christmas Eve Part 3

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Oh no, he left me alone with my family. They're going to start to ask me embarrassing things.

" Bist du sicher dass er dich liebt?" (Are you sure he loves you?) My mother's father asks me.

"Yeah, are you sure this isn't a joke?" My mother's brother asks me.

"Time for my next drink." Says my mother as she gets up and leaves the room.

I sigh.

"Of course it isn't a joke. Und er liebt mich." (And he loves me.) I defend Kevin.

Of course they would be worried but how could they not see he loves me. We're spending Christmas eve together.

-Kevin P.O.V.-
I come out of the bathroom and listen in on their conversation from the kitchen and it leaves me speechless.

First Eddward makes up an occupation for me and now they don't trust me? I mean, yeah I look and act different than most gay males I guess, but no one goes this far just to play a joke.

I walk over to the small table in the kitchen and sit down in one of the chair to take a breather on all of this.

"A lot to take in?" Asks his mother, walking into the kitchen, scaring the shit out of me.

I clutch my hand to my chest, over my heart, and try to calm down my sudden fear.

"I didn't mean to scare you, dear." She chuckles as she takes the open wine bottle on the kitchen counter and pours it into her glass.

"You're fine, I was just deep in thought and I didn't expect anyone to talk to me." I respond to her.

She comes over and sits in the chair across from me and takes a sip of her wine.

"Sorry if my husband and his family are a little much. And my family being over protective of their pride and joy grandson." She apologizes to me honestly.

"No, no it's not their fault. I haven't experienced this kind of thing before. I haven't been in a real relationship, so I'm trying to act like I got it, but in reality, I have no idea what I'm doing." I confess to her.

"Well you're in luck, because my son has no idea what he's doing either." She laughs. "If I had a dollar for every time he called me at work asking me if what he was doing was 'normal' or 'right', I could buy myself a one way ticket back to my homeland." She says rolling her eyes. "But I can't expect any less from an intellectual."

That made me feel so good inside, to know he worries about us so much.

"And I could also tell that you didn't like how he lied about your future occupation." She says to me.

Way for her to play with my emotions like that..

"Not at all." I respond to her honestly.

She sighs.

"He has a weird obsession with trying to please his egotistic fuck of a grandfather. He got that from his father, which is the exact same way. That's why he became a doctor, because his father requested it and he couldn't say no." She takes a deep breath to try to calm herself down. "Anyways, Eddward isn't ashamed of you, he is just afraid of his grandfather. That kid has loved you for a long time, he even envies your carefree attitude. Which that kid needs." His mother spiels out to me.

"I mean, that's understandable. But I feel like that needs to be something we need to work out. I can't be an intellectual for his grandfather." I explain to her.

"Oh, honey, we don't want you to be." She says bluntly.

I give her a bit of a look in confusion and slight offense.

Two Types of Chemistry (Kevedd)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ