Chapter 12

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Hey readers,

Thanks for all the great comments and I just wanted to mention ‘Jessimukah’ who has given me some amazing reviews, simply because somehow you manage get completely grasp exactly what I was going for. That doesn’t mean I don’t love each and every one of your reviews and comments though, honestly I wasn’t planning on putting this chapter up for a few days but because of you all I couldn’t resist.

Here is the next chapter and hope you let me know what you think. It is more of a filler since nothing much happens unfortunately, but I wanted to get into Adrian’s mind-set.

Lots of Love


Chapter 12

Adrian’s Pov

As I watched my mate sleep I couldn’t help but let my thoughts wander, my long legs stretched out in front of me as I sat in my office chair trying to take my mind off my mate only to have no luck. It wasn’t like I didn’t like the fact she seemed to be constantly on my mind since I met her, it was just I didn’t like where my thoughts were taking me at the moment.

When she had flinched away from me I didn’t know what to feel, the pain in my heart only fuelling my wolf’s whimpers and whines of pain as we watched how our mate reacted towards us. I knew it was my fault for being so sudden with my movements when I knew she was as delicate as she was, she had clearly been through a lot and I hated myself when I saw how naturally she seemed to flinch away from me. I knew not to take it personally, but the fact that sometime in her life she had been treated so…barbarically only seemed to fuel both my curiously and anger at who had harmed and damaged my mate in such an unforgiveable way.

It was times like these I wished my mother was still with me, having died with my father when fighting against rouges. I had been so young when I was made the alpha, the pack hadn’t of been as strict or vicious back then and while we were still considered a very close knit family I had made sure not to let any of our guards down like my father had. He had been to lenient with them all, he had been a brilliant alpha and father but his kind and forgiving nature led to the death of him. I didn’t blame him for my mother’s death, she died fighting for the man she loved and I respected her for that. I was an only child, so I was alone when they both passed but as I grew close with the pack I knew we had to seriously toughen up.

Sighing quietly as not to disturb her I couldn’t help but lean back in my chair as I rubbed my face with my hands, my eyes yet again wondering to my mate as she laid curled up in the sheets. She had been both stunned and taken aback when I told her she could sleep in the bed and I would go elsewhere, only to return as soon as I heard her breathing even out letting me know that she was asleep. I knew it would help her sleep if I was near her, well that was the excuse I was using anyway as I continued to gaze over my beautiful but severely unhealthy mate. Who could do this to such an incredible girl?

I knew that I had to reluctantly address the pack and let them know about my mate, my brows pulling into a frown when I realised I stull didn’t know her name! Why hadn’t I asked her that first? Oh that’s right not only was I too distracted with the sound of my mates beautiful voice but I was too eager to get some food into her system to ask her. I made a mental note to bring it up as soon as possible, wanting to know the name of the girl I wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with.

With pure reluctance I heaved myself out of my office chair and headed towards the door, my hand gripping the handle as I glanced at her one more time before leaving. Her face was buried into my plush pillows, her raven black hair sprawled out around her making her look nothing short of magical. It may have sounded incredibly cheesy but I found it hard to care, especially when I was finding it suddenly difficult to leave her side even though I knew it was necessary for me to do so.

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