I'll Take Care of You - Heechul X Reader - Part 1

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You walk into the huge building of SM Entertainment. Today is the big day. You will audition to become a trainee, and maybe one day, a big star. Just thinking about it makes you excited. But you are lost, terribly lost, and almost too late too. You ask directions from some people and sprint your way over to where you should be. Then you run into someone, fall back and bumped your head, falling unconscious. It seems like just 5 minutes when a voice wakes you up.

"Hey, are you ok?"

You groan in pain as you try to open your eyes. Too heavy. You feel something under your head. No hard, cold floor, something soft instead. What is going on? Who is talking to you? You do another try in opening your eyes. Who is that? Your sight is a bit dizzy/foggy like.

"Hey there pretty, are you all right?"
"Wait... Who are you?"
"I am Heechul."

Shocker. Wait. WHAT?!

"Wait... The one and only Kim Heechul?"
"Please hit me. Am I still sleeping?"
"No, no you're not."
"What is that under my head?"
"It's my jacket. I figured you could use something like a pillow. You made quite the hit. How's your head?"
"It hurts, and I don't see too well, but I'll be fine, I guess..."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine!"

You try to get up, since you're kind of an impatient and independent person, but you feel dizzy.

"Hey! Not so fast girl! Stay down a little while. You made quite the slam. Let me check if you're ok."

He holds up his watch in front of you and asks you what time it is. You blink a few times. Nope, you can't see it yet. After a while he tries again. Your sight is getting more clear and now you can answer correctly. You suddenly realize you missed your audition. You sigh.

"I know, I sent someone to tell them you would be late or maybe not even come today. They decided you can come back another time."

You gasp. Is he reading your mind?

"No, I am not reading your mind." He chuckles.
"Wow. This is kinda creepy though."

Carefully he sits you up and softly pushes you against himself. He feels warm. So kind. You never knew that Heechul could be so nice since most of the time he seems like some arrogant jerk. He decides he wants to check you even more and instructs you to follow his finger with your eyes. With some pain in your head, you can manage.

"Hey, by the way, do I get to know your name?"
"Oh, right, sorry. My name is __________."
"Well, nice to meet you. Ofcourse this could have gone different, but yeah. Still nice to meet you though."

You are utterly confused. What te fuck is happening? It's all going way too fast. You feel the headache coming up again.

He gives you a wide smile. He looks so handsome when he smiles. His lips. You would just like to lean forward and kiss them breathlessly, even in your condition. Which is kind of weird. But hey, you never considered yourself normal. More like a huge perverted fangirl.

"...Don't look at my lips like that."
"You DO read my mind!" You say as you can feel yourself blushing furiously.

He leans forward to your ear and whispers:

"Later, dear, later... Get better first, ok?"

O. M. G. You shiver in delight at those soft words, said in a very low voice. Only the sound of his voice itself turns you on so much, you would like to do the most perverted things to him. Again, he seems to know. He winks at you. Oh god. WHY NOW? You are "injured" for fucks sake!

"Yes babe?"
"Excuse me?!"
"I uhm... Sorry..."
"Anyway... How come you read my mind?"
"I don't! I swear! I'm just very good at "reading" people."
"Yes, their facial expressions, their body language, the way they talk, such things."
"I see... That kinda scares me though."
"Don't be scared!" He says with a wide but sweet smile.

Seriously. Why won't anyone explain you what is happening? Is this all real? Why is Heechul taking care of you and yet acting like a pervert while you just made a slam?

Someone walks up to you. You try to stand up but Heechul pushes you down on your butt again.

"Hello, you must be __________?"
"Uhm, yes sir..."
"Well, ok then, now I know I have the good one in front of me. Listen, someone told me what happened."
"Uhm... Ok, but who are you if I may ask?"
"Oh, sorry, I almost forgot. I would be one of the four judges who would... See if you got what it takes."
"Oh, right... I see. I... Uhm... I'm sorry for not making it..."
"Come on... These things happen... We decided you can come back when you feel better... Maybe... Tomorrow, same time, same place?"
"You would do that... Just for me?"
"Ofcourse I would! Donghae came storming in my office one day, showing a Youtube video of you when he heard you would join. He was really excited about you. When he showed it to the others, they were excited as well..."
"Super Junior... Thinks... I have talent?"

Completely starstruck. There is no other term for it.

"Oh yes we do!" Heechul says with his usual sweet smile.
"Wow... Uhm... Ok then... I'll be there!" You say with a huge grin.

Is it still real? Someone pinch the poor girl.

"Only when you feel well! If not, give me a call and maybe we could arrange something?" The mysterious man says while handing over his card.
"I'll be there, I promise! It's just... Today won't work... My head hurts so much..." You say as you reach out to the back of your head and rub it.
"I'll take good care of her. She needs a good night of rest, too, I guess..." Heechul says as he looks at you, concerned, yet perverted.

Fuck you Kim Heechul. Oh dear god. Is this going... Where you think this is going?

"You're right Heechul. Why don't you bring her home?" The man says with a smile.

FUCK. What is going on here! Is the lady boner so obvious?!

"Ofcourse I will, sir. Or maybe she'd like to stay at my place tonight?" Heechul says as he winks back at the man.

All the other girls glare daggers at you and you feel a bit uncomfortable and crawl closer to Heechul. You have still no idea what the fuck is happening though. So might as well go with the flow. What a strange day...

"Ok, let's go then! Heechul says as he gently helps you up. "

The man hands him his jacket and Heechul puts it around your shoulders. You two walk outside and it is there that he finally kisses you. Just a gently small kiss, but your eyes fly open in shock.

"Don't look at me like that... I couldn't help myself." Heechul says with a wink.
"I... Well... Isn't this all going too fast?"
"That depends on if you want it or not..."
"I am just utterly confused..."
"Aaahw, honey... Where do you live? I'll take you home."
"Not too far from here... It's in walking distance."
"Would you allow me to bring you home then?"

You look at his lips again. 'Don't be a pervert now...' You think to yourself. Too late. You kiss him anyways. He seems surprised but he wraps his arms around you gently.

"Well well... What happened to you in one minute?" He says with a smirk.
"I don't know... I just wanted to use the opportunity. I don't care if my head hurts."
"I see... Well... We could go to my place instead? I'll take great care of you."
"You're not going to rape me?"
"Ofcourse not silly. I'd be fired." He says while laughing.
"Uhm... Ok..."

Hand in hand, you walk over to his house. Sometimes you almost fall over and with a chuckle he pulls you closer. Are you falling in love already?  

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