Hey There Sexy... - Donghae X Reader

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Tonight we will be performing in a club. We go backstage and Yesung walks back to the bar to get us some drinks. Not much later he returns with 2 trays. We are all quite surprised nothing got knocked over in the meantime. I take my drink and decide to explore the club a bit more, since there is like an hour wait left. Hyukkie asks if he can come along, but I make up an excuse so he won't. Because when we got here and walked backstage, I saw this amazing girl and I wanted to know more about her.

I walk around and keep looking, but she is nowhere to be seen. Then I bump into someone.
"Hey, watch where you're walk-"
I can't finish my line. That was the girl I was looking for. Coincidence, or destiny?
"I'm so sorry!" She says as she bows to apologize. She bows? Oh wow.
"No, I should be sorry, for being so rude and..."
"Haha, it's completely fine! So... Uhm... What brings you here?"
"You don't know me?"
"No, sorry, I don't." She replies with a cheeky smile.
Clearly, she's playing hard to get. She must have heard of my so called "reputation", which isn't true anyway.
"I'm Lee Donghae. I'll be performing with the other boys of Super Junior here tonight."
Let's play her game.
"I... Oh... Uhm... Sorry, I didn't recognize you... Your hair looks different and these are not the kind of clothes I would imagine you in..."
"Ah, so you DO know me. Well... What do you think of my hair?"
"I like it. You did keep the same haircut but... Bleached it a bit?"
"Yeah I did. So, my turn. What brings YOU here?"
"Ahn... Well... My boyfriend just broke up with me and I'm trying to look for some distraction."
So she's sexy free and single and ready to bingo.
"Why did he do that? I can't imagine..."
"He thought I was cheating on him... He's so jealous. He even hates me when I only even SPEAK to another man."
"Damn, that sucks... Uhm, hey, let's sit down?" I ask as I point to the VIP corner, sort of, I think.
"...Shouldn't you be performing?"
"In about an hour. So I have enough time to listen to your story." I say as we walk over to the loveseats and sit down.
"Well, there is not much to listen to, really..."
"So... You're here all by yourself? Why?"
"Oh, I am not the kind of girl who goes out with friends and such. In fact I actually never go out. It's not really my thing. But tonight is different."
Oh yes it is baby, you just don't know it yet.
"I see... So, would you like another drink?" I ask as I wave over the waitress.
"Uhm... I'd like another white wine please. And I'll be paying yours since it got spilled... I'm happy it didn't get on your clothes..."
"Because they would be ruined."
Damn that girl. She's good. Sexy yet so innocent. I order the same and the waitress walks back to the bar.
"So... Yeah..." She says as she fumbles with her shirt.
I look at her from head to toes. She's wearing a black tight tank top, which makes her breasts look even more gorgeous than they already were, and tight dark jeans. Her breasts aren't that huge and I don't give a damn about such things either. It just looks good on her. No, my focus is on the lower parts. Her ass, her thighs which looks so deliciously round and plump and those hips... Oh damn, I hope I'm not getting a boner. Not to mention those sexy eyes and those luscious and plump lips...
"Is everything ok?" She asks as she hands me my wine.
"Uhm, sure, just thinking about some things..."
"...While looking at me? Lol, you perv."
"You just... Remind me of someone." Is all I can make up.
Worst excuse ever.
"I do? Oh... So... What will you guys be performing tonight?"
"Let's see... Bonamana, It's You and Mr. Simple."
"Hey, those are 3 of my favorites! Cool! So... And what after that?"
"We are free to do whatever we want..." I say with my sexiest smirk. And she clearly likes it.
"Hmm, ok. Oh, by the way, I'm __________."
"Sorry... I was blinded by your beauty that I forgot to ask your name..."
"You... what?"
"Did I just think out loud again?"
"Yes." She says with a little cute laugh.
"Ah, sorry... I think I got carried away a little..." I say as I scratch my head.
"It's ok. I hear that a lot." She jokes while sticking out her tongue.
So she's humorous too. Damn.
"So... How about we meet again after our performance? Also, I'd like to have you in the front row so I can constantly see your beautiful face..."
She blushes, how cute.
"I-I'd feel honored..." She whispers.
"It's time for me to go back and prepare. I'll tell the security peeps to put you in the front." I say as I walks away while blowing a kiss.
"Thank you Hae!"

We get on stage. Guess who's there... She looks at me with... Different eyes than before. Does she have more eyeliner? No, that's not it... Maybe... Wait. She looks... Horny?! And she looks at me like that the whole time, through all our songs. I can't take this anymore. At the end of Bonamana I reach out my hand and pull her on stage. She looks surprised but yet happy. When we are finally done I pick her up bridal style and walk off with her and take her backstage. The others follow with question marks all over. If they even knew what I'm planning on doing...
"Hey... Can't we go home?" She purrs in my ear.
Oh god. A growing erection once again.
"You... Really want that? But the others will probably come along..."
"Like I care. You're the one I'm interested in and not them."
"If you say so... Let's go to our home then." I say as I put her down, taking her hand.
Together we walk back to our house, followed by a curious Kyuhyun, Heechul and Hangeng. Ofcourse, not much later the others follow. Once there, I let her in and show her around the house a bit.
"Wow... It's like a huge apartment... It's so dreamy..."
"Guys, keep her busy for a while. I wanna prepare something for her."
"Uhm... Ok." Heechul replies with a grin as he sits next to her.
"Well hello Kim Heechul."
"Well hello there sexy..." He purrs as he tries to lay his hand on her thighs.
"Paws off!" She says as she slaps his hand.
"Ohw! Hae she's a tiger!"
"I know." I say with a grin as I peek around the door of my room.
Ok, almost ready. I lit the candles and found some dried rose petals somewhere in Yesung's room. Maybe some champagne? Nah, it's too cliché already... I walk back to the living room and find her talking with Kyuhyun. Clearly, the dudes are trying to flirt with her. Yeah, I gotta admit, she's fucking hot but really...
"Hey, let's go to my room... Ok?"
"Sure!" She says as she hops off the couch and follows me.
"Do it safe!" Ryeowook yells.
"Dude... REALLY?! Go to Kyu!" I yell back as I close the door behind us.
"They are nice..."
"Clearly, they were flirting with you!"
"...You jealous?"
"...Candles... Rose petals... Damn... You sure know what girls like don't you?" She says as she sits down on the bed.
"That's what they say, atleast..."
"Wow... come here you sexy..." She purrs as she pulls me next to her, hugging me.
"Mmm... You seem in the mood..."
"As a matter of fact I am... I'm drenched..." She purrs in my ear while crawling on top of me, rubbing herself against me.
I can't hold back that boner any longer, I'm afraid...
"I... Oh damn..." I moan as she starts kissing my neck, making drawings of saliva on my skin. I feel a wet cold heart in my neck. She is extraordinary...
"Oh hello there little big friend..." She purrs as one of her hands slides down and starts massaging my manhood through my jeans.
"You... You..."
"I... What?"
"Please let me rape you."
"Lol, will it even BE rape?"
I roll her over so I'm on top and put one knee between her legs, making her moan my name. Oh, I love that sound. I start rubbing her even more while I take off her shirt and meanwhile kiss her passionately. I know so less about her but still she makes me feel madly in love with her. No, it's not just my dick speaking this time, I just know it.
"Damn girl... You make my heart skip beats... That's not good..."
"I'm sorry... I'm sure I can get it to work again..." She whispers as she undoes my jeans and pulls them down as far as possible, considering the position we are in.
I kick them down next to the bed and start taking off her jeans. Damn they are tight, but I can manage. Once they are down I kiss my way down her breasts and take her bra off. They look absolutely gorgeous. Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine them so beautiful. I start massaging them, playing with them and licking them all over, earning more moans. Seems her nipples are really sensitive. I work them some more with my index fingers and thumbs as I kiss down some more. To go even lower I have to let go of her breasts though. I kiss my way down to her lower parts but stop where her panties start. I smell them. Hmm, yes, she's wet all right... I pull down her panties and throw them on the ground. I lean back and look at her. She's naked, panting in desire and her eyes are half closed and filled with lust. Damn, even the sight could almost make me come. I take off my boxers and decide to take her without warning. She seems like a girl who can handle it. I get between her legs and want to start, but I see she looks at me with pleading eyes. I can't yet... I lean forward and take her in my arms, hugging her tight. She wraps her legs around me and almost pushes me in by herself. I help her a bit and slowly slide myself inside of her. I can't help but moan out her name at that delicious touch, and it's been a while since the last time as well. I hold her tight and pull her up so she'll be sitting on my lap, still wrapped in my arms. I give some encouraging thrusts and soon enough we are both moving at a delicious rhythm which gets us skyrocketing towards our orgasm way too quick.
"Please! I don't want to come yet!" She moans in my ear as she stops moving and kisses me.
"Me neither." I pant through our kisses. Damn this girl is hot. Too hot.
"Let's take a little break then..." She whispers in my ear, which I feel is glowing red.
"In which way?" I purr as I kiss her neck.
"Just waiting a little before we continue."
Like I didn't know that, I'm just teasing.
"Ok then..." I say as I kiss her some more, slowly catching my breath.
"Finish me doggy style." She says as her hands are exploring my slightly sweaty chest.
"But that way I can't look at your lovely face..." I say with my cutest pout possible.
"Aaaaahw, you're so cute!" She says as she pokes my nose and kisses it.
"Please, let me finish you another way..."
"Hmm, tell me your ideas honey..."
"Or I could just show you." I say as I lay her on her back and get on top of her, still being inside her.
I hug her as tight as possible as I continue thrusting my hips, making her scream and moan my name all over. I can't seem to think normally anymore too. My mind has become useless, it seems, a complete mess with just fog in it. All I seem to know is her name as I scream it, pant it, groan it as I near my orgasm again. This time she doesn't stop me.
"Can I... Come inside?" I groan as I feel my thrusts become uncontrollable and completely out of any existing rhythm.
"Yes, I'm on the pill." She groans in my ear as I feel her fingernails bury in my back.
"Damn girl... I'm so close..."
"Yeah babe?"
"Let out the animal... Like in Oppa Oppa, hehe..."
"You mean you want me to be a wolf eh?" I ask with a grin as I kiss her passionately.
"Yes Hae, be my sexy wolf." She pants as she wraps her legs even tighter around me.
"Hmm... you won't have to wait much longer... Because I really can't hold back any longer!"
"It's ok honey... I can't hold back either... Come on baby, come on my sexy wolf, fill me up!"
"I... I..."
"Come on... Be the wolf..."
"I... ARROOOOOO!" I yell as I finally climax, feeling a bit weird yelling something like that though.
Oh well, we're all animals anyway, aren't we? She climaxes just a few seconds after me, looking deliciously satisfied. Her sexy sweaty face, her parted lips desperately trying to suck in air, her rosy blushing cheeks and glowing red ears... It all looks perfect on her. It's difficult to stay right up so I collapse next to her, trying to catch my breath. She snuggles against me and moans in appreciation, so do I. I take the blanket and cover both of us with it.
"Let's sleep... Or would you rather clean up a bit first?" I say as I sit up.
"Just some certain parts..." She mumbles with closed eyes, clearly being tired.
"I'll be right back." I say as I walk to the bathroom which is connected to my room.
I come back with two wet washing clothes. It seems she's already sleeping. Gently I pull off the blanket and wash her armpits, under her breasts, her forehead, her flanks and her private parts. I do the same with the other washing cloth to myself. I bring them back to the bathroom and lay down next to her. She curls up like a kitten as I lay against her spooning style. I can't help but feel butterflies in my stomach.
"Yes my love?"
"Please be my sexy wolf forever..." She mumbles.
"Ofcourse, my love." I reply tiredly as I kiss between her shoulder blades, soon enough feeling myself drift off to dreamland. And boy, what kind of dreamland.  

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