I Miss You - Henry X Reader

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I hear my doorbell ring and run down the stairs to open the door. When I do so I see an almost crying Henry in front of my nose. I pull him inside and hug him, not even asking what's going on. He hugs me back, tears rolling down his cheeks. After he's calmed down and bit and sit him down on the couch with a glass of water, I sit down next to him. I look him up and down. He's still a bit shaky, his eyes look red and it seems like I see a blush on his cheeks. What's going on?

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask as I hug him.
"I... I have auditioned for SM Entertainment as you know, so did Mimi... And we... Both got accepted..."
"Why are you crying then?! That's great news!"
"It is not! We will have to go to Seoul, which is so far away, and we have to leave tomorrow..."
"Tomorrow? That fast? Oh geez... Where's Mimi then?"
"He said he would come visit you tomorrow, had some stuff to do... Well, so do I since I have to pack my bags."
"Oh... So... You gotta go now?"
"I'm sorry, there's just too much to do..." He whispers as he wipes his eyes.
"I understand... So this is... A sort of goodbye then?"
"Ofcourse it's not. Whenever I can, I'll come back, I promise."
"You better be online on Skype or something! And Mimi too! I am going to miss you both so much!" I say as I look down at his neck.
There's a necklace. It's a silver one with a sapphire blue stone. He got it from Mimi for his birthday. He once gave me a silver ring with a ruby on it. Mimi sure likes to spend money for his friends... Henry smiles and takes the necklace off, putting it around my own neck. I look at him in shock. Why did he just do that?
"We both know Mimi gave this to me but hey... This way we will both be with you. Also, sapphire blue is Super Junior's color..."
"You're gonna join them? That is so awesome!"
"Haha yeah... I hope it'll go well..."
"But please get on Skype, ok?"
"Sure, we'll be whenever we got some spare time. Well, bye then..." He says as he gets up and leaves.

The next morning Mimi comes by to say they are about to go. He also tells me something about being extremely nice to Henry once we will talk again. Seems he will really miss me. I hug him and he kisses my cheek as a final goodbye. With my hand on my cheek, I wave, while he gets in the cab and sits down next to Henry. Why did he never get out to give me another hug?

Weeks pass and we talk on Skype every day. What sucks alot is the time zones, but we seem to manage. They already showed me all other members of Super Junior when they invited them over to come and chat with me as well. Seems Mimi and Mochi wanted to show their best friend to them. I couldn't believe my eyes. I really saw them. Yesung, Donghae and Eunhyuk even said they wanted to come over to meet me once. How lucky can a girl be? When Donghae said that, I saw Henry give him a jealous and warning stare, but he never noticed it. Why did he do that?

Some weeks later, my doorbell rings. When I open the door, I can't believe what I'm seeing. It's Henry and all the others! I let them in, show them around a bit and ask them what they want to drink.

"What are you doing here?!" I ask in total awe.
"We wanted to meet you, right? So here we are!" Eunhyuk says with his usual gummy smile.
"I mean... Aren't you busy these days?"
"We got sent on a well deserved holiday, as the manager said it." Sungmin replies as I give him his tea.
I walk to the kitchen to get something to drink for the others as well. I get followed by an overly happy Henry who hugs me again and again, saying how much he missed me. Sure I like the other guys, but Henry is my best friend after all so I keep hugging him back, telling him the same. We walk back tot he living room with a tray of drinks, sitting down. We talk alot about the differences of our countries and surprisingly enough their english really improved. That makes talking alot easier.

After some hours, they all leave, except for Henry. He decided he wanted to stay a little longer.
"Hey, take good care of him, ok? He needs it." Mimi says before walking out.
I look with Henry with questionmarks all over my face, but he doesn't seem to notice. Then I see his suitcases are in the hallway.
"Hey uhm... I was wondering..." He says while fumbling his shirt.
"What is it?"
"I was wondering... Could I stay here? I barely have any money at the moment so a hotel is no option..."
"Sure honey, as long as you want! So... How long are you staying here anyway?"
"Only two weeks..." He says with a sigh.
"Let's make it the best two weeks of your life!" I say as I take one of his suitcases and drag it up the stairs.
"Hey, let me drag those! A woman shouldn't be doing such a thing!" He say with a laugh as he takes the second suitcase up the stairs himself.
"Well, you can sleep next to me if you want. You're not afraid of me, are you?"
"Ofcourse I'm not..."
"Well, then, make yourself feel at home! I'll go get some pizza in the meantime, you want some too?"
"Yes please, I'd like a salami."
I reach in one of the drawers of my nightstand and take a key out of it.
"This is my spare key. I want you to have it. Don't feel like you've got to stay here all day and such. If you wanna go out with your friends at night you can get back in by yourself."
"Ah, thank you." He says as he takes the key while unpacking his suitcases.
"Feel free to use the extra space in my closet for your clothes. I don't use it."
"...Weren't you gonna get pizza?"
"Oh, right! See ya in a moment!"

When I get back, I can't believe my eyes. Seems Henry found the candles... It looks so romantic... There are even candles on the dinner table.
"Oh, hey, back so soon?" He asks as he lights the last candle.
"You wanted me to feel at home, so... Yeah..." He says with his usual sweet smile. Dat smile.
"You are truly amazing..." I say as I put the pizzas on the plates and sit down.
He pours me a glass of wine, seems he remembered I like white sweet wine and sits down as well. We eat silently. Too silent. When we are finished, he takes my plate to the kitchen and puts it in the dishwasher. He also cleans the rest. Surprised, I look at him. He only smiles at me and tells me to sit down on the couch and relax. I obey and take my wine with me. When he comes back he sits down next to me. We talk some more and since we are both tired we decide to get to bed early. We walk up the stairs and brush our teeth. When I walk over to my room I realize my pajamas might be a bit too sexy for now, now that I have male company. Since it's a red with black lace teddy, it might be too suggesting. I undress and try to pick another pajama, but Henry has already seen what lays on my pillow.
"Why aren't you gonna wear that?" He says as he points at it.
"It might give you weird ideas..."
"It might... Or might not." He says as he undresses himself and lays down on the other side of the bed.
I swallow and look at him. I can't believe it. He must have been working out, because quite some abs are starting to form and I see a delicious V-live peeking above his boxers. Wait, he's wearing only what?! I can feel my cheeks heat up and try to look away, but I can't. With a sigh I take the teddy in my hands and decide that it won't be that comfortable with a bra under it. I turn my back to him and take it off, immediately slipping the teddy over my head and putting it on. I lay down next to him. It feels kind of awkward, all this. He comes closer to me by the second. Then his body is laying against mine, and I am being hugged. I am still a bit overwhelmed but hug him back. I blink several times when I feel a bulge forming in his boxers. He seems to notice and smiles.
"You have no idea what you're doing to me, you know..."
"Now I know... I guess..."
"When I was there, being all lonely in Seoul, I jerked off every night, thinking about you..."
So I wasn't the only one doing such things.
"I... Well..."
"Mimi found me crying quite alot. I missed you so much, my heart was aching and itching, wanting to see you so bad. I couldn't even pay attention at work most of the time..."
"But I-"
"If you even knew... How long I have been loving you already..."
"...How long?"
"Since the first day we met."
"I... Oh..."
"But there were always other men around you. The boys from Suju seem to like you alot as well... I can't blame them. You're fucking hot. Like... Smoking..."
"Am not!" I say with a blush as I look away.
"God, you are so beautiful... Your eyes are hypnotising, your bottom lip being bitten most of the time, your neck is... Inviting as well..." He whispers as he kisses it, softly and lovingly.
I let out a low moan in response, surely liking what he's doing to me. He kisses and licks it some more, slowly moving his mouth up to meet mine, and kisses it. I drown in the kiss and close my eyes. I let all pleasures take over as his hands explore my almost naked body. One hand is rubbing my ass, the other tries to make its way under the teddy via my tummy. I wrap one leg around him, pulling him even closer with it. I rub my lower parts against his quickly growing erection. He lets out a soft moan in response and squeezes my ass. I don't want to wait anymore. I want to show him how much I love him. I pull him on top of me and kiss him breathlessly.
"Now, let me show you how much I've missed you..." He sensually whispers as he plays with the hem of my panties. He gets off of me and pulls the teddy over my head, throwing it next to my bed. He also takes off my panties and licks his lips while doing so. I want him to take off his boxers and reveal that hungry beast, and sugest him to do so by biting my lower lip.
"Stop doing that. You have no idea how much it turns me on..."
"Actually I do... Maybe I am doing it on purpose?" I says as I look down at his crotch.
"You must be thinking it's not fair that you're completely naked and I'm not... You're right I guess." He says as he finally takes those boxers off and reveals his oh so huge an throbbing cock, waiting to get inside of me. I won't let him wait. I wrap my legs and my arms around him, pulling him closer. He seems to be getting the hint. He shifts on his knees and wraps his arms around me, holding me close. His bedroom eyes look at me tempting and seductively. I can't resist his sexyness much longer... I kiss him with all my passion and all my love, making sure he will feel it. He positions himself and kisses my neck. His mouth moves to my ear and kisses my glowing red earlobe.
"You ready?" He whispers as he starts to nibble it.
"Please... Just do it..." I beg him with my sweetest voice.
"...How can I possibly resist that?" He says with a smile as he slowly pushes inside of me. With every inch that goes deeper in to me I feel my cheeks glow even more. I did spot him naked before accidentally, but almost forgot already about his size. Not small, by any stretch of the imagination...
"Nggah!" I moan when he's fully seated, and to tease me some more he licks my neck.
"Damn... You're so wet... So hot... So tight... I'm liking it already..." He moans as he kisses my forehead, and then my cheek.
I always imagined him as a "lovemaker" and not the "porno" type. Seems I was right.
"Please... Move those hips... Like in the videos you guys made..." I whisper as I feel my blush possibly deepen even more.
"I've been waiting ages for this..." He sensually moans as he slowly starts thrusting into me with soft, sensitive and loving moves. Yes, this is lovemaking. Normally I would ask someone to fuck my senseless but this is very nice for a change. He starts moving just a little fast, but still keeping a slow and loving pace, kissing me again and again. I'm losing my mind and drowning in a lake of lust and pleasure and love as his tongue draws a long wet trace down my neck all the way to my collarbones. Soon enough our lovemaking becomes wilder and uncontrollable. I love the fact that both of us last so long before coming, making it worth the wait for all these months, well, years. He is quite vocal too, I've noticed. He's the last one I expected to be like this in the bedroom. But I sure love it. His moans become more needing and desperate. His thrusts are becoming erratic and his kisses become possibly even more passionate.
"I'm... So... Close..." He pants as one hand slides down to my ass and squeezes it.
"Me too... You can..." I try to reply, panting like crazy as well.
"I can... What?"
"You can... Come inside... If you want..."
"I'd love to..." He moans as his thrusts become a little faster.
"I can't hold it any longer!"
"I am going to..."

We both climax with an ear killing scream, feeling content after the long wait. He collapses on top of me, not that I care, trying to catch his breath just like me. When I finally breath normally again I look down and see an almost asleep Henry. God, he's so cute... I kiss the top of his head and he turns his head to look at me.
"That... Was awesome."
"It sure was... I'm glad it lasted so long..."
"Me too... I love you so much..." He says as he kisses me and slowly pulls out.
He lays down next to me, reaching for the nightstand which has tissues on it and cleans both of us.
"Why are you keeping them here?" He asks with a smile on his face.
"Men are not the only ones with needs..."
"I can imagine..." He says as his smile grows even wider.
"Yes my love?"
"You're my everything..."
"You are mine as well..." He whispers as he kisses me one last time before drifting off to sleep.
I can't blame him, he has done the most work.
"Good night, my Mochi..."
And with that, I am off to dreamland as well.  

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