I Love You - Kyuhyun X Reader

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He loved you. He loved you so much. He just had no way to express it. No way to say it, atleast. He just couldn't find the words. And he thought you deserved the very best.

"Teukie-hyung, do you know where the printer is?" Kyuhyun asked as he walked around the Super Junior dorms, searching for it everywhere, not able to find it.
"Ah, sorry Kyu, it's still in my room. I'll get it for you. What do you need it for anyway?"
"Well, I wanna surprise [y/n]..."
"By printing something out? How?"
"You just watch."

So Leeteuk brought him the printer, and he ran to his room with it, almost bumping into Hyukjae on the way.

"Hey buddy, watch where you're running!" He said with his usual gummy smile.
"Ah, sorry Hyukjae, I'm just.. Kinda in a hurry."
"I can see that... Well, time for me to work out! See ya later!"
"Yeah. Bye!" He said as he ran into his room, closing it with his foot.

He placed the printer next to his laptop, plugged it in and turned it on. And then he began printing his "project".

About half an hour later, he was done, having a whole pile of papers ready. He took some tape with him as well. With a smile on his face, he walked out of his room, out of the dorms. He needed a perfect place to make his "masterpiece". But where? He passed a building with huge glass windows all over. It looked like they actually functioned as the walls of the building... 'No time to overthink that now, let's get to work!' he thought to himself as he started making his huge puzzle.

Papers of bright colors were being placed everywhere. Yellow, pink, orange, red... And in the middle, a big heart made out of other pictures. Including pictures of him and [y/n]. With a smile he stepped back and looked at his creation. He added some final adjustments. He looked at it again. Perfect!

Leeteuk so happened to be walking around there as well, apparently he went shopping nearby.

"Kyuhyun! You made this?" He said in awe.
"U-uh, hey Teukie-hyung... Yeah I did."
"Wow! It looks really cool actually! Wait, lemme take a picture of it!" He says as he takes out his phone, taking a picture of it.
"Now stand in front of it, so I can take a picture of that too." He says.
Kyuhyun obeys and stands in front of it, putting on his cutest face.
"Yes, perfect! Well, I'll see ya at home later!" Leeteuk says as he waves and walks off, carrying his huge shopping bags along.
"Sure! Bye!"

Now, ofcourse she needs to see it... He takes out his phone and texts his lovely girlfriend.

"Hey babe, I have a surprise for you..." He mysteriously texts her.
"A surprise, for me? I'm getting curious now... ;]" She answers.
"Do you know that huge glass building, across your favorite store? I'll be waiting there for you."
"Uhm, ok! See ya in a few minutes! <3"

Now, he also has no way to express how nervous he is... Only a few minutes later, she walks up to him. She gasps, smiling widely. Kyuhyun opens his arms for a hug.

"You know I'm not good in expressing how I feel... So I thought I might as well do it this way." He says with a smile.
"Oh my god... Kyu... It's so beautiful!" She says as she runs up to him, hugging him tightly.
"I love you so much..." He whispers, a single tear escaping his eye.
"I love you too Kyu... More than you'll ever know." She says as she kisses him.

He kisses her back happily. Yes. He finally felt satisfied. Now he really showed her how he felt.  

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