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genesis has made the chat

genesis has added gilinsky and nate to the chat

genesis: nate add ana cause i dont know her number

nate: what is this for

genesis: we need to talk about what happened at midnight

gilinsky: cant we drop it

genesis: no

nate has added ana to the chat

nate: now what

ana: what is this for

genesis: hi ana its genesis i made this so we can talk about new years

ana: that sounds like a wonderful idea

gilinsky: do we have to do this now im about to take Cub for a walk

nate: lets just get this out the way now

ana: like how you moved me out the way to kiss genesis

nate: i didnt mean to

gilinsky: what

gilinsky: how did you not mean to leave your date

gilinsky: it was literally an hour after you told me it was okay to talk to gen

ana: why would you need permission from nate

nate: me and gen had a thing a while ago

ana: i thought that was sammy

genesis: its a long story

ana: you got half the group to like you

ana: kudos to you bitch i see you

genesis: its caused a lot of drama🙄

ana: nate you do you i cant hold you back from being with someone you like i like you so when youve made up your mind come talk to me

genesis: i like you ana youre chill and not problematic

ana: i like you too you handling this situation maturely

genesis: this might be the start to a beautiful friendship

ana: i'll talk to you later😂 you three need to settle the beef you have so imma go

ana has left the chat

genesis: shes dope as fuck

nate: we know

gilinsky: can i walk Cub now i dont wanna talk about this

genesis: no we need to talk about this im not risking the end to this friendship again

genesis: i got one question

genesis: if nate didnt kiss me at midnight were you going to

gilinsky: yes

gilinsky: you already knew that

genesis: what

gilinsky: johnson told me that you overheard us talking in the kitchen

genesis: of course he did

genesis: he told me not to say anything then tells you wow what a hypocrite

gilinsky: doesnt matter cause i didnt get to kiss you regardless nate did

nate: i didnt mean to kiss her though i just felt it inside me that i had to

nate: everything that i felt for her before just came back

gilinsky: or maybe you realized suddenly you couldnt have her and you wanted to take her away from me even though you had ana

gilinsky: youre just selfish as hell

nate: i said i was sorry bro

gilinsky: sorry doesnt fix anything

gilinsky: i just need to know if genesis likes you back

genesis: ...

genesis: i dont know

nate: what do you mean you dont know

genesis: exactly what i dont know means

genesis: after the sammy thing i just told myself getting involved with any of you would lead to trouble and once i got you all to be my friends again i was happy and now this is just confusing me

gilinsky: well can you make a choice

genesis: you cant be serious

nate: we just want to know how you feel ma even if it means you dont like either of us

gilinsky: i would prefer that over you liking him and now me

nate: shut up

genesis: can i have time to think about it

gilinsky: as long as you need

Nate and Gilinsky's messages

gilinsky: youre an asshole

nate: you really wanna do this cause you and i both know who would win in a fight

gilinsky: why did you do it

gilinsky: you had ana and you were happy why couldnt you let me be happy

nate: i already explained this

gilinsky: your answer was bullshit

nate: right now you are doing the one thing gen wanted to avoid which is start drama

gilinsky: you dont deserve her

nate: you said the same thing about sammy you think youre the only person good for her let her make the choice herself

gilinsky: im helping her realize what the right choice is and its me

nate: how do you know that

gilinsky: i just do so go back to ana and leave me and gen alone

nate: i cant do that

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