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johnson has added genesis to the chat

johnson: camila apologize

johnson: now

camila: i like when you tell me what to do daddy

gilinsky: what the fuck

johnson: APOLOGIZE

genesis: she doesnt have to apologize

sammy: i feel as though she should apologize

camila: i feel as though you need to mind your own business bitch

johnson: im sick of the drama happening in here

johnson: im fed tf up

johnson: so you know what im gonna do



johnson has added nate to the chat

genesis: why

sammy: j calm down

nate: should i stay or should i go

genesis: you should go jump off a bridge

johnson: shut the fuck up until im done if someone decides to interrupt me just know you can catch these fiery hands

gilinsky: well shit

johnson: nate you are not in fucking middle school pull yourself together and i can guarantee right now youre with jordyn so dont be acting all upset over genesis wanting to talk to other dudes

genesis: jordyn?

johnson: you catching these hands later fam dont interrupt me

johnson: gilinsky you have poor taste in women and madison is exhibit A seeing as she wasnt even a women that was a little girl step up your age requirements cause that shit was a mess and i need you to actually take this career seriously its jack and jack not jack johnson and the other jack that barely puts in effort youre my best friend and partner so act like it

johnson: sammy you need to be thinking on how to handle the current situation at hand without hurting anyones feelings and if you hurt anybody at all ESPECIALLY GENESIS during the process be prepared to have my foot shoved so far up your ass that my toes will become your teeth

johnson: camila youre sexy and dope as fuck hmu when i can smash or if you tryna go on a date

johnson: and genesis i want you to lay everything out on the table right now so you and nate can get closure and this isnt a suggestion its me telling you to do this im sick of all this petty shit we are grown ass people act like it

nate: wow

genesis: that was highly attractive

camila: stg it was

sammy: how was that attractive...

genesis: he just took control of the whole situation he bossed tf up real quick and told us what to do

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