I Always Give My Love To You

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4 Years Later…


“I’ll see you in hour, babe,” Brian told me over the phone. I had just pulled on my new Summer Set shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I had been just about to start my makeup when he had called. It felt like an eternity since I had seen him. The Summer Set had been on tour for five months straight and it had been a living hell.

“Ok, I have to finish getting ready, so I’ll talk to you when I get there,” I replied, pulling out my eyeshadow from my makeup bag. The task was a lot harder than I expected with one hand. Thankfully, we then said our goodbyes and I got started on my makeup.

About a half hour later, I was satisfied with the way I looked and headed to me car. When I got to the venue, I parked my car and I could see Brian standing outside. He had been bombarded by the fans who were already in line. 

“I gotta go, guys,” he announced when he saw me get out of my car. The crowd of fans let out cries of protest, but he didn’t give in. “We’ll all be hanging out after the show,” he promised them and then took my hand and started to pull me away. 

When we we had made it inside the venue, I quickly greeted the other 4 members of The Summer Set and then someone announced that they were on in twenty minutes. I had wanted to get there earlier, but I had had to work for most of the day so I was unable. The next twenty minutes was spent with everyone warming up, tuning their instruments, and the occasional stretching. 

“You guys are on!” someone yelled and they started to line up in front of the entrance to the stage. No matter how many times I had seen The Summer Set, I still got excited every time.

“Break a leg,” I told Brian, reaching up to give him a quick kiss. John faked a gag, but Brian just smiled down at me and kissed me once more before they walked out on stage. 

During the whole set, I sung along at the top of my lungs to every song. After being Brian’s girlfriend for four years and being a fan for eight, I knew all their lyrics like the back of my hand. Everything was going great until Brian said something in the mic that shocked me. 

“So, do you guys mind if I bring out my girlfriend for the next song?” he asked the crowd. The fans roared in response and he gesturing for me to come out. I quickly shook my head, telling him that there was no way I was going out there. The stage was his place, not mine. “Come on out here, Jacky!” he commanded with a huge smile. I let out a sigh, but did as I was told. It didn’t look like there was anyway I was getting out of this.

“Everyone say hello to Jacky,” he told the crowd. The fans erupted in cheers and Brian gestured for me to sit down on one of the stools that had been placed in the middle of the stage.

“We’re gonna do this next one acoustic. It’s called ‘Love To You,’” he announced, before grabbing an acoustic guitar. Why I had to be out on stage for this was a mystery to me, but I just went with it. If he wanted me here, I had no other choice but to be on stage.

The whole time he sang, he was looking into my eyes. It was like he forgot the crowd was there. It made me feel like we were the only two people in the world. 

All too soon, the song ended and I got up to go. “Wait, Jacky. Don’t leave,” he exclaimed, motioning for me to come back. I gave him a confused look, but walked back to him. He got up, handed his guitar to one of the band’s crew members, and then shoved his hands in his pockets. I had never seen him look so nervous in my life. His expression made me even more confused, but I shrugged it off.

When he was only a few inches from me, he did something that shocked me even more than the first time he had kissed me. All of a sudden he was down on one knee with a small box that looked like something you would get a jewelry store in his hands. My heart beat immediately sped up and my palms got sweaty. When he flipped open the lid to box, the diamond ring inside glinted off the stage lights. I was instantly surprised and I let out a gasp.

“Will you marry me, Jacky?” he asked with hope in his eyes. Was he serious? Why wouldn’t I marry. I loved him more than anything. He was the most amazing person I knew.

“Of course,” I responded, feeling tears well up in my eyes. They were happy tears of course. I would have never imagined me getting engaged to Brian. He was truly my first love.

He then stood up and slipped the ring on my finger with a huge. The crowd’s cheers were deafening, but at the moment I was able to ignore them. In my mind, it was just me and him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug. “I love you,” he whispered in my ear.

“I love you, too, Brian,” I responded. I backed up a bit from our hug and pressed my lips against his, which caused the crowd to cheer even more. I couldn’t wait to be with Brian for the rest of my life.

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