Blue Velvet

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Serenity held tightly to her wand with her backpack strapped onto her back tightly. Her blue velvet mini dress was hot, and her feet were sore from her new white gogo boots. Her great escape was complete, but now it seemed like the world wanted her to go back.
"Don't lose hope Serenity. Think of Jefferson Airplane and all the other bands playing. You wouldn't be able to meet them in that world," Serenity mumbled.
A garbage truck picked up a dumpster near where she stood breathing heavily. There was a loud clatter as the truck swallowed all the trash inside the dumpster then a crash as it dropped it down. Serenity watched the garbage truck drive away slowly.
"I have to get to the train... to New York... then Woodstock... I can make it..." Serenity whispered to herself.

"To play a concert that will be this big... They must be crazy. They'll get found out," Mother hissed to her husband. "Young wizard these days are getting more and more reckless."
"They'll do terrible. They always do at big events," Her husband said shaking his head and handing Serenity the paper to read from the teen section.
Serenity didn't turn to the teen section. She read the article her parents were talking about. "Woodstock, Three Days Of Peace And Love And Disaster." A picture of the Grateful Dead smiled at Serenity. Jerry Garcia had the widest grin.
"I want to go," Serenity said looking at her parents.
Mother gasped. "A witch your age should be looking for respectable employment like at the Capitol not chasing rock and roll singers," Her father said.
"But something like this will only happen once! You know that Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix don't have much more time, and Crosby, Stills & Nash are debuting. And you know how they were pulled together by the stars. And Jefferson Airplane is playing, and you know how much I like them."
"Young lady, that may be the case, but you can't go," Mother said.

Serenity sat quietly on the train as it chugged away from the station. Her mind was on her future. Her stomach lurched as she looked out the window and saw her mother with a scowl on her face.
Please don't let her catch me, Serenity thought. Suddenly the train sped up, and her mother got further away until she was gone scowl and all.
"On my way to Yasgur's farm..." Serenity mumbled before she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Serenity woke up to a little boy plopping down beside her without a word. He looked young, not any older than ten she would say though she was a terrible judge.
"Mavis, what did I say about wandering..." Said a girl that looked about Serenity's age as she swung into the compartment. Her eyes widened seeing Mavis sitting next to Serenity. "I'm so sorry. I don't know why he decided to sit here."
"No harm done. You can go ahead and join me. It's kinda lonely in here," Serenity said.
The girl stepped in. Her hair messy and a deep brown. She smiled at Serenity showing off her incredibly straight white teeth. Her clothing was slightly burnt in places for whatever reason. "My name is Wren, and this Mavis," She said.
"I'm Serenity."
"Where are you going, Serenity?" Wren asked sitting down across from her.
"Woodstock," Serenity replied.
"I'm going that direction. Not Woodstock specifically, but to New York," Wren said.
"Is Mavis going with you?" Serenity asked smiling at the boy.
The boy smiled back and nodded his head very enthusiastically.
"Mavis doesn't talk much. He communicates, but I haven't gotten to say more than one word at a time since I've met him," Wren said. "He's a sweetheart, but when you're trying to get him home it's so hard."
Mavis smiled.
"Maybe you just haven't asked him the right questions," Serenity said. "What kinds of things do you like, Mavis?"
"Dragons!" Mavis exclaimed.
Serenity smiled. "What kind of dragons?" She asked.
"Wren's dragons," Mavis said, "the green one the best."
Serenity smiled at the boy's enthusiasm, but Wren was horrified. "Mavis, I don't know if you..."
"The green one is really nice. She saved me when I fell from a cliff," Mavis rambled on. "She also doesn't breath fire, but she has a really rough tongue like a cat. And... and she is really nice. Her name is Willow."
"Sounds like a shire dragon," Serenity said smiling at Mavis.
"How did you..." Wren started.
"I'm a witch. Now how did you know that Mavis?" Serenity asked.
"A feeling," Mavis said going back to short answers.
Serenity smiled. "I'm glad you did," She said and tapped his nose with her finger. "I like dragons too!"
Mavis's face lit up. He pointed to Wren. "She raises them," He said. "The babies are so silly. They like fighting with the big ones, but the big ones don't hurt them."
Wren frowned. "Wait a minute here. You're not a cop are you?" She asked defensively.
Serenity shook her head. "I just want to see Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin in concert," She said.
"Oh yeah cuz of the deal right?"
Serenity nodded her head.
"It's not fair that they made that deal. They would have been the greatest without it," Wren said shaking her head slowly.
"What deal?" Mavis asked.
"It's been the vogue for a number of years to 'buy' an artist's soul by giving them something that supposed to advance their prowess. The item doesn't make them better they just think it does so they sell their soul for nothing," Wren said shaking her head.
"So they die young for nothing," Serenity said. "The first big ticket one was Robert Johnson, I think."
"That's sad," Mavis said.
"It's a shame really," Wren said.
"I wanna go," Mavis said.
"Go where?" Wren asked.
"To see Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin," Mavis replied.
"I've got to get you home..." Wren said slowly.
"Why not? It's free and it'll only happen once," Serenity said winking at Mavis.
Wren didn't say anything for a moment. Serenity was right, but she wanted Mavis to get home as soon as possible. Any more delays and she'd be even more behind schedule, but even she wanted to see Woodstock though she wouldn't ever admit it out loud.
Wren let out a sigh. "I suppose," She said slowly.
Mavis cheered.
"But we can't stay up there any longer than those three days then we have to go," Wren said with a finality to it.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Time of the Seasonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें