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All my life I've wanted to dance.
To enjoy the freedom of expressing
myself with the beat of the music
thumping loud in my ears.

To show people that I'm more than a small boy that has big dreams. I will
fulfill them. I will show them what I'm made of.

What I can be.

The wind whistles through his hair as the little boy twirls around in front of the crowd. "Yay!" The crowd cheers as he sticks the landing and he bows to show his gratitude.

He looks up, searching for one particular face, the most important one, to see her amazement. But she was not impressed. "Little boy, you need to pack up and leave. You can't keep drawing a crowd in front of my studio like this." She shakes her head and tries to slip through the gate. The boy turns around and stands in front of the bars as she locks it behind her. "You know I don't teach boys. So stop trying. Study and try to find a stable job somewhere else."

The crowd boos behind the boy, expecting the woman to change her mind. "Let him in!" Someone yelled. "He deserves it!" She shakes her head and enters into the academy, not bothering to look back.

I will enter the academy, the little boy thought. I will be taught by you.

He packs up as the crowd tries to console him. He holds back his tears as he picks up the bucket to count his earnings. He runs home when he felt the warm liquid spill onto his cheeks. Bursting through the door surprised the parents but was quickly understood as they see the shadow climb the stairs.

Thoughts? Predictions?


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