Chapter Nine: At World's End

Start from the beginning

"Nonsense, my paranoid friend. Ventus is not able to break from my spell, and I've made sure of that numerous times. He's mine now, and will always be." she said with utmost confidence. Emmxett shook his head and gave out a sigh.

"Just to be fair, I'm going to give you a fair warning. All may be fine and well for now...but if Ventus finds a way to break free of your spell...if he finds a way to do so and becomes a threat to us...I won't hesitate to kill him on the spot. If that's what happens, just know that I'm not to blame." he declared. For a moment, Jexana looked at him grimly, and she clenched her fists, as if she was going to say something, but she decided not to press on the argument, and she nodded.

"Fair enough...but he won't break free....of that much I promise you." she said, and with that, she headed towards the soldiers. Emmxett gave out a smirk and chuckled to himself.

"Keep telling yourself that..." he thought to himself.

Ever since Jexana had brought Ventus into the fold, Emmxett had been uneasy. Sure, he was under her spell and all, but there was just something about the whole situation that made Emmxett extremely uncomfortable. Maybe he was being paranoid, but at the same time, he was just being cautious. He held his Kuzuri closely to him, and he looked at the stars anew. He closed his eyes for a brief moment and enjoyed the soft, cold breeze that blew past, and when he opened his eyes, he smiled and sniffed the air, almost as if he was tracking someone, or something. He then summoned his Kuzuri and swung it in wide arcs, and then stabbed it on the wooden floor, placing his palms on the hilt and chuckling softly.

"This is going to be very interesting indeed...very, very interesting. We'll see what comes out of all this in the end. That'll be worth every single moment of this...yes it will..." he said aloud to himself, as he continued gazing at the stars.


Meanwhile, Dawn, Riku, Mickey and the rest of the Keyblade Wielders saw the portal open to the other side, at which point they came out of the portal, and once they got out, they noticed that they seemed to have gotten into a ship! Well, at least that's what they felt it was like, since they were being swayed back and forth gently. Suddenly, all of them felt instantly cold, and when they breathed out, they could see the very air they were breathing! Everyone except Gilgamesh was feeling the cold. He was just looking around, wondering where they had arrived to!

"W-which world did we end up on? I-it's freezing!" Vanitas said as he stuttered, his arms shaking from the low temperatures. Dexeres took a few steps and then walked upstairs, and then he noticed something, and then looked down to the others.

"Guys, I think we're in a pirate ship!" he deduced, for the smell of rum was in the air, mixed with the cold. Dawn and the others followed Dexeres, who kept going up the stairs, going from the bottom of the ship to the deck above. He then noticed a few people huddled up ahead, looking at something. He looked back at his friends and notioned them to be quiet. He summoned his Keyblade and gripped it tightly at the ready. Mickey then recognized one of the people on the other side of the ship.

"Guys, wait a minute, I think one of those people over there is Mr. Gibbs!" the little mouse whispered, and at that, Riku approached him.

"Wait, you mean Gibbs, friend of Jack Sparrow?" he asked. Mickey nodded.

"That's the one!" he answered.

"Well, if you two know him, then that's good, isn't it?" Kairi asked, and the two nodded in confirmation.

"Well, then that settles that. Let's go talk to them." Dawn said, and so, they went towards Gibbs and the others. When Gibbs turned around, he instantly recognized Riku and Mickey.

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