Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Afia P.O.V.

I didn't go to school the next day or the day after, I stayed home I couldn't face them I would be the school's joke. The girl who thought she could make Benjamin Waters move on from his ex, the girl who thought she made friends.

I had not spoken to Ben and I denied all his phone calls and text messages, I had nothing to say to him, I wasn't really his girlfriend so he had nothing to explain to me. I was drained, I could not shed another tear and my vocals were sore from screaming, I felt nothing, not grief, anger, or sadness. I felt as if I had given everything to him over these two months and now I was left with nothing. I shouldn't be feeling like this he was never my real boyfriend, he had no reason to be loyal to me. But I still thought he should have though. Akua was right I did put my heart into everything I did, but those other times even though I was sad I moved on quickly but now I didn't think I was going to be able to move on from this.

"Afia can I come in." My mother said softly.

"Sure." I said not taking my eyes away from the blank t.v. screen.

The door opened and my mother said, "Benjamin is here."

I finally took my eyes from the screen and looked at her and saw that Benjamin was standing right next to her.

"I will leave you two alone." She said opening the door and closing it behind her.

I didn't say anything I just stared at my covers, I didn't know what to say, I didn't know if I should scream at him or just slap him in the face and tell him to leave.

"You haven't been at school." He said not moving from where he stood.

I didn't say anything I just looked at him.

"You haven't returned my calls or my text messages."

What the hell is his problem did he really expect for me to respond after the news I had gotten about him fucking the girl that should not be named.

"The team is worried about you."

Sure, the fuck they were if they were so worried how come none of them made a fucking effort to let me know how worried they were the only person she had, had contact with was her sister and Ashley.

"I am worried about you."

Oh really, you weren't really worried about me when you were keeping secrets.

"You're driving me crazy Afia, say something." He said putting his hands on the end of my bed.

I still didn't say, it felt good to know that I was driving him crazy he could finally feel a quarter of my pain.

"I am so sorry Afia." He said which caused me to finally get a good look at him.

"You don't have to say sorry Benjamin, we were never in a real relationship. I have my ticket and you have your girl why are you saying sorry we should both be happy." I finally said my voice hoarse from my screaming match I had with my father last night.

"It was never supposed to happen like this." He said staring at me.

"But it did and we can't change it, like I said you have nothing to say sorry for, and you have nothing to prove to me."

"You are my best friend Afia, I have everything to prove to you."

"I am not your best friend because if I was your 'best friend' then you wouldn't have let me find out from Ryan that you were fucking her." I snapped finally feeling something.

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