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Chapter 5


"You want me to invite him..."

"To invite him to dinner yes Afia." My mother said suspicion in her eyes. I was pissed, at my stupid parents who wanted to meet Benjamin and myself for opening my big ass mouth. I sighed in defeat might as well keep digging this hole I began,

"Sure, I will see if he wants to join us."

"Great." My father said and I nodded and as I was walking toward the steps I heard my father say, "God, I thought noone would want her." I gritted my teeth and continued back to my room. I sat on the bed putting a pillow in my lap, how in the hell was I going to tell Ben about my parents wanting to meet him.


It was Monday and I have not been able to sleep in two days. So here I was looking for him and I could not find him, I knew this because I came to school thirty minutes earlier so I could talk about what had happened on Friday. Letting out a sigh I stopped at my locker and leaned against it, where the hell was he? The football team usually came earlier so they can go over plays in the library, I found this out when I accidently walked into the library to check in a book and I was met with curious gazes.

"Where are you Ben?" I muttered frustrated.

"What are you doing here so early?" Ryan voice said from behind me scaring the shit out of me.

I turned around with my hand to my chest and said, "You scared the mess out of me."

"Sorry I was just coming from the locker room and I saw you standing here and you look pissed." He said giving me sheepish smile.

"It's ok, I was just looking for Ben."

His smile faltered a little but he said, "I just saw him, he is in his homeroom doing some homework, I can take you to him if you want."

"I would love that." I said relieved that I can finally talk to Ben.

We started walking and he said, "You have really helped Ben with his math, Afia."

"Not really all I did was simply give him the push in the right direction." I said looking down and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"How is your head, I know it had to hurt since Ben is one of the hardest throwers on the team."

"Oh it's fine, it didn't hurt that bad." I lied.

"Really now?" He grinned.

"Yeah as a matter of fact if you asked me it felt like a pillow."

He laughed loudly and he looked at me, "I guess you are stronger than me because the last time he hit me in the head with a football I thought I had a concussion."

"Well I guess I am stronger than you then." I joked.

"Yeah I guess you are." He laughed.

We walked in a comfortable silence until we came to Ben's home room. Ben was in there by himself and concentrated on the sheet of paper.

"Thank you Ryan." I said looking up at him.

"No problem, it was the least I could do since we hit you with a football." He smiled making his eyes light up.

I laughed and said, "You have a point there."

He nodded and responded, "I'll see you around Afia." He smiled at me before walking away I watched him curiously before opening the door.

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