ɔɦɑρʇəʀ 24- Newfound Relatives

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"I know, I'm not dumb."

"So your symbol is a Snowflake huh? Well, mine's pretty obvious."

"How old do you say you were, Raven?"

"I'm 18,000 years old in human years, but 18 in demon years."

"Dude, we're the same age!"

"So, what exactly is he?"

"Oh, Bill? He's an immature dream demon about 20 000 years old."


"As if I'm lying."

"Is he your boyfriend, as what mortals call it?"

"Fuck no."

"Real nice, Snowflake, real nice."

"By the way, I'm a half demon only. My mom's a mortal,"

"Well, I'm a half dream demon and a half royal powerful blood, or is that what they call it...?"

"Wait, really?! That makes a full demon already, and a really destructive one."

"You know too?"

"Yeah, my father told me all I need to know about our species."

"Wow. Mind to share them to me some other time? In the surface world?"

"I'm not sure. Dad's going to be fine with it, but..."

"Come on, Raven. And I'll introduce you to my cousins there."

"Wait, you have cousins there?"

"Well, yeah. You see, I'm raised in the surface world by my immortal godparents, but they're my guardian angels, I think?Not exactly my parents. And these 'parents' of mine also has some mortal relatives."

"Oh, I get it. Do they know 'what' are you?"

"Yeah, so they raised me as kind as possible. So here I am, just knew the answers from my real dad, who is the king of all evil and darkness."

"I knew my dad as the most powerful being in the existence before. But now, I found out he has a big brother, who has a daughter which is more powerful than him."

"So, wanna go to my world?"

"Okay, my dad and me will stay here for a while anyway, but one more thing."

"What is it, Rave?"

"Stay close to me, I've never been near other mortals before."

"Okay Rave, plus you got Bill here to guard you, right Bill?"

"As you wish, Princess."

"Bill, I already told you to stop calling me that."

"But aren't you one?"

"That's the second time, Cipher."

"Oh, so he's Bill Cipher huh? Aren't you a member of the Seven Deadly Sins?"

"I was before, but I was placed beside Satan because of my greatness and power."

"What sin did you belong to?"

"I was once the king of Cunning, with my little brother Tad Strange, but I was noticed by your mom and trained me to become who I am now."

"I believe my mom doesn't have a cocky personality, and you have a brother?"

"That's all in me being cunning and all, and yes I do."

"Okay, enough talk, let's go back to the shack now. Ready Rave?"

"Yeah. Just promise to stay close, I'm not a social kind of demon."

"Okay Rave. Bill, portal please,"

"As you wish."

And with that Bill opened a portal which leads us to the Mystery Shack.


As you can see, I kinda changed your age from 1800 years old to 18,000 years old to make the demon thing more believable. Bill's age from 2000 to 20,000.

Anyways, I'm a DC and MARVEL fan so, hello to the people who understand me!

Don't forget to leave a feedback on the chapter and vote!

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