"Wait, what- What are you doing?! I was watching that!", Jade snapped. What the hell? Why was Heather acting like this? Those kind of questions were running through Jade's head. If she only knew.

"I don't think you should watch this.", Heather repeated.

Jade was really pissed. She stood up and took her jacket. "Whatever."

"Where are you going?!", Heather snapped. "Don't you dare walk away from me now. We have unfinished business here, Jade! You can't just walk away."

"I'm going to the studio until you get yourself together again. We were so happy the last few days. What the hell is wrong with you?! - Wait! Don't tell me, just don't. - See you tonight." Jade slammed the door right after she left her apartment. She took a deep breath before calling a cab. She had no clue what just happened. They never fought before. Heather wasn't the jealous type and Jade really admired that about her, but what just happened.. wasn't Heather-like at all.


After the interview, Leigh told Perrie that she had to go to the studio to do some stuff. Since Perrie had nothing else to do, she decided to join her best friend. She hadn't been to the studio in a long time and she was missing it, to be honest. She was missing music in general. But recording it, having hours of talking about which song to record and what kind of tune would go for it, and putting it together in the end, - that's what she was really missing.

What Perrie didn't know was that Leigh had to go to the studio to record something with Jade. The moment they got through the door, Perrie stopped walking. Jade was sitting there, playing the guitar. Perrie on the other hand, didn't know what was happening. Why didn't Leigh tell her about Jade being here? Well, now when you think about it, it was obvious. Leigh didn't know about what Heather did and she also didn't know about the fact that Perrie was supposed to not talk to Jade. Like, at all.

The moment Jade raised her head, a slight smile appeared on her face the moment she saw Perrie. Perrie smiled back slightly, but she still didn't know what to say. Should she say something at all?

"Hey.", was all Perrie could say. Sooner or later she'd talk to Jade anyways and Heather wasn't anywhere near them, so why not just talk to her?

Jade nodded, "Hey, Perrie."

They just kept staring at each other. No one was saying a word. This kinda situation was very familiar for Perrie, but for Jade it was really knew. It was like she was getting to know Perrie all over again. Maybe that was a good thing after all. But maybe it was the exact opposite of good. 

"Well, anyways.. Jade? Ready to record some stuff?", Leigh asked.

"What?", Jade asked and looked over to Leigh. She wasn't paying attention at all.

Leigh started to smirk, we all know why Jade wasn't paying attention. "Do we want to start recording now?"

"Sure. Wanna start with 'Nobody'?", Jade asked.

Perrie cleared her throat. Why does this happen all the time? Every little thing reminded her of Jade and now she remembered how this song was about her and how they were both in the studio back then when they recorded it for the first time.

Leigh nodded and looked over to Perrie one last time before Jade disppeared in the recording booth. They started to record once Jade was ready. Perrie sat down on the couch and started to listen to Jade's voice. She hadn't hear it for a long time.

"1..2..3.. GO!", Leigh said.

"..No heart, no hands, no skin, no touch
Can get me there, nowhere enough
To love me like you do, to love me like you do
No kiss, no lips, no feel, no rush
Can keep me high, I swear no one
Can love me like you do, can love me like you do, oh

Jerrie // Falling Around You [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now