Nineteen- I've Loved You for So Long

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"Jin. I do not want you to feel regret for what you did. Not at all."

He looked at me still with guilty eyes. But, a weight seemed to be lifting from him. Did he really blame himself for that day? I appreciated him with every bone in my body. I loved him with everything I had in me.

My heart leaped as I thought about what I was about to do next. I moved in quickly, not wanting to second guess my actions. I tenderly pressed my lips against his. I felt him gasp faintly against my lips as I caught him by surprise.

My heart pounded furiously. My body surged with a sensation I couldn't explain. My stomach turned with butterflies. Sparks flew between us. This was everything. The moment between us I believed we both desired. I'd wanted to do this for so long. I'd wanted him for so long. I couldn't explain how absolutely satisfying this was. How amazing it felt to finally kiss him. I felt so happy and so at ease.

I moved my hand to the back of his neck and pulled him in more as the kiss began to deepen. His soft lips began to move slowly against mine. They were plump and perfect. He tasted like sweet tea.

I felt him grip my shirt in handfuls as we kissed. Our kiss was so passionate. I kissed him with everything I had. I wanted to show him just how much I cared. How much I loved him. And he was returning my emotions. He made me so happy. And now I had realized he had still wanted me the same all this time. But, now, I had the perfect opportunity.

I pulled away breathlessly and looked at him. He looked so love drunk. So entranced. It was such a beautiful sight. He smiled at me. It was the brightest smile I'd ever seen on him.

"Taehyung," his voice shook.

"Shh," I spoke as I stood.

I lifted him into my arms bridal style and carried him inside. For so long, I'd wanted him. For so long, I'd waited for this.

And now I was ready for him.

I walked to my room and took him inside. Jimin was fast asleep in his bed so we'd have to be quiet about this.

I laid Jin down on my bed softly and kissed him again. I fit myself on top of him between his legs.

Our tongues intertwined with one another as we kissed each other passionately. My heart throbbed in my chest. My body buzzed with adrenaline. This was the moment. The moment I waited so long for. The moment I lived for. To be able to express my love for him in the most intimate way possible.

I sat up and pulled off my shirt. Jin's hands immediately reached up and he felt my skin. His hands trailed along my skin softly. His eyes were bright with want and desire. I leaned down and tugged at his shirt. He moved up slightly so I could remove it.

I looked down, my eyes sweeping over him. He was beautiful. Angelic. He was so pure in every way. And now I had the opportunity to make him feel the best he ever has. To become the closest I ever could to him.

I leaned down and my lips were on his skin. I laid soft kisses all over him. His body was so sacred. He was remarkably beautiful. I moved up to his collarbone and nibbled on it softly. He let out a quiet moan beneath me.

It sent chills up my body. His sounds of pleasure made my heart stop. I was doing this to him. I was making him like this. I almost felt wrong for destroying his innocence more this way. But, I knew that in our hearts, it was truly pure.

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