Mission Impossible

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(✌Perrie's POV✌) (AN: I missed her so...yay!!!)

I woke up in a very familiar room. The tree house. A wave of realization came crashing onto me as I was starting to remember why I was here. Stupid Zayn...

But...then again, I didn't really hear him out...

You were to heartbroken at the time, you needed to get away and get some space to clear your head.

True...should I go back to the manor now? I don't know...I still feel hollowness in my chest from Zayn ripping it out...figuratively...

You should stay away a few days longer, just so that when you walk through the halls of the mansion, you feel strong.

Yeah, girl power! Wahoo! *fist pumps*

We're crazy...

Totally, Subconscience, totally...

Good, now luckily you have about 260 pounds with you, you could last about 2 weeks on that if you mainly shopped for necessities...

Necessities...that's a big word...

Perrie, focus...

Right. Okay, I guess I could go to the local Tesco or thrift shop and get stuff like extra clothes, 3 liters of water since I don't think I'll be gone that long, um...food's a given, a toothbrush & toothpaste, and...maybe something to make this tree house look better---


Right, right. Sorry Subconscience...

Now go, you probably look like a bimbo since you're in a cocktail dress with high red heals and your makeup smeared from crying, just walking through broad day light. Plus you stored your money in between your cleavage so that totally gives you a new level of 'I look like a hooker' factor...

Oh no! Ok, ok, I'll do what I have to do now, no need for visualization on what I look like right now...

"Okay, much better..." I muttered to myself after washing my face and changing into clothes I got from a thrift shop. I couldn't stand looking like a hooker at such an hour with people passing me by, giving me looks.

I walked out of the bathroom in Tesco, bought breakfast, and a sling bag for my money and party outfit since I couldn't put it anywhere on me. You never know if a theft came passing by...

Everything's been alright, though I had a few close calls...

Niall nearly caught me this morning in the Thrift shop. Luckily, the cashier was fast. I got out of there quickly and hid in a small allyway while Niall was looking left and right, running the opposite direction I was in.

Olly nearly found me last night while he was walking through the woods near the tree house. Luckily, it was pitch black out, so he couldn't see the tree house or ladder heading up to it since it basically camouflaged with the tree bark.

Then there is Liam who has now spotted me and is power walkimg towards me. Uh oh...

Luckily I had also bought sneakers to replace my high heals, otherwise Liam would've gotten to me fast.

I quickly ran to the girls bathroom and looked around the to find any windows I could escape through. None. Great, now I'm stuck here...or...maybe not?

I noticed a big-enough-for-my-body air vent with a few loose screws. I quickly took out the loose screws and backed up into the vent, closing it behind me. I backed up through the vents until I was at a fork in the road (vent in this case), and quickly turned my self back around to see what paths were infront of me.

This feel like mission impossible or some spy movie or something! If this weren't an actual 'get out of here, fast' situation, I'd be having loads of fun by now...

I took left and went straight. After a while I decided to stop and rest to catch my breath. This whole situation has got my heart racing out of excitement, suspense, and anxiousness. Then out of nowhere, I heard a creaking sound. Uh oh...

"Ahhhhh!" Crash! I was plummeting towards thr ground. Luckily I landed in a pile of garbage bags and didn't get hurt. Unluckily, Niall is now hovering over me with Liam by his side.

I looked up at both at them sheepishly while chuckling nervously,"Eheh....hi?"


Oh Perrie *shakes head, grinning* What do you think will happen next with Perrie? Will she be taken back to the Tomlinson's estate? Or will she find a way to escape them once again? You will find out in the next chapter of Written In These Walls!

Asta la bye-bye!


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