He reached his own mind and opened his eyes,looking into Neville's worried expression.


"I think Umbridge slipped Hermione veritiserum. She's- she's spouting off all sorts of-" he stopped, uncertain how to explain about Hermione calling him gorgeous.

Neville ignored the trailed off sentence. "Alright, let's go rescue her. Where is she?"

Draco shook his head, "Fifth floor, but we need a plan. Umbridge is still-"

But he stopped, Neville was already halfway down the hall and heading up a staircase.

Draco huffed and then took off after the Gryffindor prefect.

Bloody Gryffindors.

Luckily, while Neville was tall, he was not built for speed - being more torso than legs, unlike Draco. The Slytherin caught up to him easily before he was even a third of the way to the next floor.

"You know, we really need a plan!"

Neville flashed him a confident smile, "We'll manage."

Draco scowled, but didn't slow down. Hermione really did need them. Hopefully the chain fortress meant her most important secrets were safe, but...

No, he wouldn't even consider right now what secrets and suppositions she carried in that brilliant mind of hers. There was just no telling.

They had reached the fifth floor when a feminine shriek of outrage hit their ears. Skidding to a halt they looked towards the sound.

"Do you think-?"

Draco shrugged and headed towards the noise. Maybe Peeves had decided to attack Umbridge in her office?

The rounded a corner and then stopped in shock.

Luna stood in the corridor, holding a wand in her hand, with another tucked behind her ear.

Also in the corridor - and likely the source of the shriek - was Tracey.

Tracey stood in a small circle of chalk, so small that just a shift of her foot could send her outside of it. Around her were little drops of red liquid on the stone, likely coming from the quivering bucket currently floating over the girl's head.

And indeed, as Draco watched Tracey shifted her weight and the bucket wiggled, spattering a few more red drops of liquid onto the stone floor.

Yes, he had been right on the train. He definitely did not need to know about this.

"Luna-what?" Neville said, regaining his ability to speak before Draco.

Luna turned and gave them a happy smile, "Oh! Hello. I'm just helping Tracey learn control."

"Control?" Draco said, confused.

She nodded sagely, "Yes, control. You see, accidently hitting injured people and falling in laps without permission isn't good. We published this method of learning control in the Quibbler last year. Heard it from a very interesting-"

"Draco! Get me out of here!!!" Tracey shrieked, the bucket wobbling dangerously again.

"Um, Luna, what's in there?" Neville asked, pointing to the bucket.

Luna looked up at the bucket and smiled, "Oh, just some of Hermione's color changing potion. Nothing harmful."

"Not harmful?!? Not harmful!?! I DO NOT want to look like a bloody tomato!!!"

"I really should report this..." Neville murmured.

Luna's head tilted, and she reached up to touch her earrings as she looked Tracey over. "I rather think you'll resemble a radish, not a tomato."

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