Chapter 4: Hopes, Nightmares and Dreams

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Ketchup Sans wearily opened his drowsy eyesockets as his eye lights flared to life.
"where am i?" He thought.
"definetely isn't home, for sure."
Squinting into the near distance of nothingness, he tried to magically call upon his powers to teleport back to his house before a throbbing headache hit him.
Seems like that wasn't going to work.

Instead, he wondered where he was.
Somehow, he was floating in a vast and empty void, and he didn't know why.
He reached into his pockets, but only to find a few crumpled up monster candy wrappers.

"hello, is anyone there?" He called, voice barely raising above a whisper in the thick atmosphere.
Then it dawned on him.
He was in The Void.


"you have no right to mess with ketchup, so let him go!" Ink commanded, brandishing his brush out.
"And who told you that? The glitch skeleton?" Gaster-possessing-Sans replied.
"okay, goopface, that's enough." Ink started. "let's just get this over with. how can i get ketchup back?"

The skeleton fell to the floor like a doll, as pitch black colour seeped from the ground and formed one large mass.
That mass was Gaster, as found out by Ink after the horrifying mask surfaced from the magic, still pure white, no stains whatsoever.

The jet black mass launched an inky tendril at the skeleton in response, black droplets of liquid flying everywhere.
"oh, so that's how you wanna play, huh?" Ink taunted, coating his paintbrush's bristles in a shade of magenta.

"Bring" "bring"

"It" "it"

"ON" "ON"

Ink swung his brush around, letting a spray of paint fly at the horrifying creature.

As the magenta colour made contact with the void, it seemed to make a "ripple" before being absorbed like water.


"YOU'LL HAVE TO TRY A LITTLE HARDER THAN THAT." Gaster blatantly stated, static almost making the quote indecipherable.

It was his turn now, and he summoned a group of bullets, all shaped like the four arrow keys on a keyboard.

"Think fast."

A bony hand appeared out of the air, pointing to Ink.

The arrows immediately lined up, and started to fly from all directions straight towards the skeleton.

"oh asgore," Ink mumbled before recognising the attack pattern, and feeling the familiar green *Ping* from his soul.

"wait, i'm supposed to have a spear to deflect it right?!?" He thought, realising no aqua projectile had materialised yet.

The arrows were coming closer.

Ink's eyes widened.

Just as one of the arrows were approaching him-


Ink held his paintbrush up against the bullet, deflecting it as if a baseball was matched up against a bat.

A splinter of wood broke off from the impact point, as he bit back a regretful hiss.

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