Chapter 2: Meeting the Rest

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UnderTale (Sans' bedroom)

"so i'm one of them, huh..." Sans finished, staring at his left hand, at his newfound ability.

That afternoon, Sans was still remembering that unexpected encounter.

He pondered on whether he should tell Papyrus or not.

Though in the end, he decided not to.

At least, not until it was the perfect time.

Sans was in his room at the moment, staring at his palm in the bleak darkness.

He attempted to recall his powers, but to no avail.

He tried thinking about the situation and things he might do to call his powers.

Then, he had a thought.

But the only question was...

Should he?

Sans took off his jacket, leaving him in his simple white shirt.

A very faint glow emitted from the inside, where a human's heart would be.

He reached inside and, very cautiously, removed his Soul from his ribcage.

Sans had a delicate Soul, so he knew he had to be careful, even when he himself was handling it.

It had a soft and calming white glow, and was neither warm nor cool to the touch.

After a while of thought, Sans had an idea.
Only problem, it was probably what others would call "Suicidal".

S a n s wa s   g o i n g   t o   d r o p   h i s   S o u l.

Surely in a life-or-death circumstance his powers would activate?
Sans thought so, anyway.
After deeply inhaling, Sans loosened his grip and dropped his Soul.
He immediately regretted his decision.

Somehow, in that split second, Sans managed to process a lot of thoughts.
'What if it doesn't work? What if, before my Soul hits the floor, my powers don't activate? WHAT IF I DIE?!?' He screamed in his mind, hands suddenly shooting to his head in fear.

If one more second passed without any action, Sans' Soul would've crashed into the floor, and shattered beyond repair.
Then, what people might call a miracle happened.
The Soul was enveloped in strong rainbow magic, and paused in midair.
A few seconds went by where everything was silent, including Sans.
The only sound was the quiet hum of the magic, along with small ripples on its surface.

"hello? is that you, sans? that is your name, correct? i want to make sure that i got the right guy."
A voice suddenly echoed around the room, starting and ending nowhere.
"this may seem alarming, but please stay calm. i need to tell you something very important."
"oh, i should probably introduce myself. please excuse my impoliteness."

At that point the echoing sound stopped for a bit.
A big, white splotch of paint suddenly appeared on the bedroom floor, dangerously close to Sans.
And from out of nowhere, a flurry of black ink spurted out from it.
The dark, inky storm twisted and wrangled like a raging dragon wrestling a hurricane, before diving gracefully to the ground and bowing in front of Sans.
It was the same shape as him, and it had some other distinct features.
The ink was dripping away, leaving almost an exact replica of Sans.
But, this doppelganger was slightly skinnier, and a few centimetres shorter.
He wore a short-sleeved shirt and wore his light blue jacket around his waist.
A comically oversized paintbrush was strapped to his back, tip covered in white paint.

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