Through and Through

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I should've listened, I should've known better. These two phrases repeated in my head over and over again. I had to tell my brothers something, but telling them the whole story would fill them with false hope. I had turned towards them to give them the clarity that they had asked for, but before A single word left my mouth they both replied in unison "Don't do it".
"Listen, my decision has already been made and there's nothing you can do to sway me. Just think of it as a repayment for your kindness"
"Then tell us one last thing"
"Which is?"
"If we are supposed to forget you, why did you come back? Why are you toying with us?!

"Paul leave her be, we've all been through so much"
The events after that went in a blur, sirens were blaring, people shouting, doors slamming and gunshots being fired. In the midst of all this Carter flung the door open and grabbed me by the wrists.
He undid my bindings and told me I was needed elsewhere.
"I cannot leave my brothers here!"
"There's no time! They're coming to complete the ritual"
"Carter why are you doing this?"
"Listen I've made some bad decisions in my lifetime but I don't want this on my conscious. You are family after all and families protect each other. I'll protect your brothers you go and stop the ritual."
I was dumbstruck, but if he was telling the truth I needed to move quickly. I didn't know at the time but my last words to the brother I never knew were "I'll see you on the other side"
I didn't know if I could forgive him but if he could protect my adopted brothers then maybe he wasn't as lost as we thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2020 ⏰

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