Redemption pt 2

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I saw the hut in the distance. I realized I needed to come up with a plan or I would face to same fate as Serenity.  All I have is a small dagger, a baby pokemon, and some healing supplies. My chances may seem slim, but I have one thing playing on my side; my newfound determination, and that's all I need.

I made my way into the hut and to my surprise it was seemingly empty. I looked around, pulled books off  shelves, and pulled on  candle holders. I knew they were still here somewhere! I had to think, if I was an evil organization where would I hide the entrance to my hideout? I was searching a stack of books when I felt a shiver go down my spine.

"Whose there?"

*to self-* Don't get yourself caught! Don't get yourself caught!

"Don't worry darling I'm not one of them"

"I'm Diana, I need to warn you about what goes down- downstairs"

Autumn: How do I know that I can trust you?

Diana: *Steps out from shadows* because the dead cannot harm the living

Autumn: You're a-a-a-a ghost?

Diana: I died years ago when my home went ablaze, it killed me and my husband Mark.

Autumn: I'm so sorry.....

Diana: Listen I don't have long until they realize I'm missing. That horrid group downstairs are working under the influence of Girintina. They have kidnapped, killed, and tortured many to try and bring him back to power. They've taken your friends to try and bring Arceus out of hiding, so they can fight. *Big G* wants to reclaim what he thinks is his.

Autumn: So what can I do? How can I help?

Diana: You certainly can't do it alone, you have to send him back to the distortion world; it's the only way.

Autumn: I can't do this alone.......

Diana whisked away and I was left standing alone in the dark hut. I had to discover the entrance to the fabeled "downstairs" I noticed a peculiar looking display case hanging on the wall. I tried opening it but to no avail. Suddenly a whisp apeared behind me and stared to speak in a language unfamiliar to me. I tured around to see the ghostly figure of a Dragonite. It pushed me aside and opened the case on the wall. The look on its face told me all I needed to know: It wanted me to end the suffering that the ghost and humans alike have been enduring.

I stepped down into the all too familiar dungeon like rooms. There were people in the cells, a hearty collection of poke balls and ghost shuffling around. I had to free everyone before sending Girintina back to the distortion world. Things were going to get messy.

I approached the pokeball container. And started to release the pokemon. Some stayed and tried to open the cells containing their trainers, while others immediately fled, but one imparticular caught my eye. An umbreon that wouldn't leave my side. It couldn't be MY umbreon because that would mean......

I thought back to other pokemon I released; A Torterra, Electrive, Staraptor, and a Servine. Paul, Reggie and Chase were here! I had to go and get them as far away from this as possible!

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