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It was late at night and I was tired, yet I couldn't sleep. Just moments before there was a knock at the door and a letter was left at my step. The handwriting looked familiar and thinking about her still hurt. I decided I would open it when I had slept more, but I couldn't bear the anticipation anymore. I slipped from beneath the warm covers and lugged myself to the kitchen.

Without a second thought I carefully removed the envelope.

I didn't understand how this was possible; she died too long ago. Attached to the letter was a picture of us when right before the grand festival. I smiled thinking back to the positive memories we had. Now it just seemed like a bittersweet moment, a broken fragment, an Illusion. I realized how sappy I was getting and laughed in spite of myself.

I looked up from the letter and saw something out of the corner of my eye. I was being watched! I slipped my coat over my pj's and decided to confront him or her. Being in the Elite Four meant some obsessive fans, but none of which knew his address. This had to be someone who meant business.

The leaves were starting to turn and the night air became crisp again. I chased said figure for a short while when I realized they were leading me somewhere. Somewhere I didn't want to go.........

The figure finally stopped and I was staring at a multitude of grave stones. I then realized that I was staring at a ghost but it wasn't Paige. It was a woman dressed in cascading white and blue robes. Upon closer inspection I noted she had waist length raven hair, and creamy chocolate colored skin. She looked like Iris but older, more mature. It was then the ghostly spoke to me.

?: How far is Stariton City?

Chase: Pardon?

? :  How far am I from Starition City?

Chase: What is your business there?

?:  There's someone I have unfinished business with.

Chase: Can I at least have you name?

?: Serenity, my name is Serenity.

This woman seemed desperate. However, I wasn't going to stand in the way of a ghost. I decided to tell her in exchange for some information.

Chase: I'll tell you on one condition.

Serenity: Which is?

Chase: You give me some information. My friend died a few years ago. If you could come back as a ghost, can she?

Serenity: Not normally. Only souls with unfinished business can return to this realm, and only powerful souls can be seen by others.

So there was no way Paige was responsible for those letters; someone was just playing a cruel joke on me. I was confused, heavyhearted, and tired to the point of delusion. I looked at the ground and said "Striation City is three hours from here on foot, but only an hour if you have a good flying type." She looked up me with a sad smile and went on her way. I started to head back home when I thought I heard screaming, but I knew no one else lived around here. I was drained both emotionally and physically, so I decided to go home.

I knew there was a long day behind and in front of me. I was about half way home when the screaming started again. The air was frigid and suddenly everything went silent. I felt like I was in a cliché horror movie. I decided to play fates little game, besides what did I have to lose.

By now the screams were getting more periodical. I followed them to the source to discover a group of people clad in black standing in a circle. I found myself a spot in a nearby tree to listen in to what was going on down below, and what I heard had my heart in my mouth.

The center of the circle the ghost woman was being held and "interrogated" by several of the group members. The men in question were dressed in black like their companions, and if his back wasn't to me I might have seen more. Serenity, however was a crumpled heap. The man started jabbing her with a mysterious looking vile. She started screaming and the man stayed poker faced.

"Where are the others?!"

"I-I-I don't know!"


"No s-s-seriously they left me here..."

"How much venom do we have to inject before you stop bluffing?"

After a few minutes of this torture, the woman started to change appearance and I recognized her instantly; it was Iris! Something compelled me to go and help her. I was about to leap into action when Serenity appeared again. The woman's appearance seemed to falter, one moment she was Iris and the next she was Serenity.

It was then I made myself a promise: To help Serenity or Iris or whoever the heck she is, so she wouldn't end up like Paige.  I darted out of the bushes, screaming at the top of my lungs to try and deter the men in black. However it was only seconds before I was stabbed with the same vile of black liquid they were using on Serenity.

After that, all I remembered was screaming and darkness. I felt something change in me but I wasn't sure what.

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