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I'm in an unfamiliar place, with little memory. Before me I saw nine figures scattered about doing various things. My eyes finally adjusted to the unusually bright light.  Someone was towering above me and in a deep warm voice he said "Welcome Autumn!" I was strangely at peace being here, but I somehow still felt like I had left something important behind, like I had something holding me back. I looked at the towering figure and said "W-w-what is this place?" The figure smiled sadly and replied "Your spirit is in the realm of Arceus". I looked at him with big eyes "A-Arceus is here? What does he want with my spirit? Wait... spirit! Oh my mew I'm dead?!" I said in one breath. "Whoa there slow down! Yes he is here and you're looking right at him. Your here because you were chosen to protect something precious to me, and unfortunately yes you are dead. I know this is scary but you are not alone! There are others just like you! As he said this he started to lead me down a corridor where a group of people were chatting amongst themselves. Arceus then nudged me toward them, but being social was the last thing on my mind. I just hoped my heart wouldn't jump out of my chest.

Looking around the mess of strangers, I saw a familiar face; a mocha colored girl with long pink hair. She was wearing a blue beach wrap and had an Axew pendant hanging from her neck. I couldn't place a name but I had a feeling she played into the strange feeling pulling at my heart strings. She was talking to a boy with spiky raven hair and red tips. He was wearing a pair of shorts and a tourist like shirt. I sat quiet, looking around at the others. There was a girl with dark brown hair with deep blue tips, she was wearing a blue sweater and had a peculiar Dragonite necklace. I wanted to go talk to her but she sent me a look that sent shivers down my spine. Talking to her was a girl in a purple long sleeve shirt with music notes on it.  Glancing over I saw a guy dressed like a Breloom and a girl dressed like a Liligant. Finally a guy with red hair and amber colored eyes that were currently staring at me. Arceus called them over and introduced them one by one, Selene, Evan, Jane, Abby, Carson, Lily, and Aaron. Arceus explained that they were the guardians of The amulets. He also explained that I was the newest guardian. Apparently I was chosen by the previous guardian named Crystal. I learned that soon my partner Aaron would be passing down his duties so he could ascend into the next realm. I was told that once his replacement was found we would both start training to become full guardians. People tried to talk to me but I was slightly overwhelmed. I didn't remember being socially awkward but I didn't remember much of anything, so it wouldn't have surprised me. 

After almost passing out, I was taken to my quarters to rest up. I looked in the full length mirror and noticed my appearance didn't feel like my own. I had long wavy red hair and green eyes. I had on a lacy burgundy dress. I looked around my bland room. It felt empty, I decided that if I could; I would soon fix the empty feeling. I looked over to my bedside table and saw a small picture. It was of a young girl with midnight colored hair and a guy with green hair posing goofily. They looked really happy together. I wondered if this was Crystal's but the feeling in my chest said otherwise.

I felt a hollow. Like someone important is gone, like part of my heart is still down on earth. I just wish I could remember. I turned my attention to the contents on my desk in the corner. On it laid several sheets of parchment, a small journal, and a pokeball. I decided to go for the pokeball first, so I released the specimen from within the capsule to find a deerling in fall form.

My new friend looked at me with big eyes. I thought it was cute, so I reached out to pet it. At first it was not sure about me but it then it came up to me with unexpected confidence. I laughed and stroked the silky soft petals on her head. Suddenly, Aaron walked in and ruined the moment. I put the deerling back into her pokeball and turned my attention towards Aaron. "How are you?" He asked politely "I'm fine." I said timidly. "It gets better, I promise." He said smiling sadly. "What do you want from me?" I asked quietly. He sighed and said "You remind me so much of her."

"Of who?"

"Crystal, she was my partner and could've been more... but we already know life isn't fair. " (CRYSTAL IS NOW ALYSSA)

"I'm sorry to hear that, but do you mind telling me why I was chosen to be thrust into all of this?"

"I can't explain Crystal's reasoning, but maybe one day she will give you the answers you seek."

"So at least tell me this, who exactly are you? I know my real name wasn't Autumn, so There has to be more to you than meets the eye "I said. "The name's Red" he whispered softly.

Aaron or Red left shortly after and I decided I needed some time to myself. I sat down on my bed and started to think about the day's events. All the new faces and information were too much for me. I soon found myself drifting to sleep, and then the nightmares started.

I started to toss and turn. I saw my past, people I once knew and loved. Memories started to flood my brain. I saw my brothers Paul and Reggie. *Chase, I saw him broken and alone.*

I felt my head start to spin and I saw the familiar forest landscape in Sinnoh. I saw a woman dressed in yellow and a man dressed in black. The woman had two bundles in her arms. She put the bundles on the ground to reveal two squirming, sniffling babies; one with bright amber eyes and the other with a familiar green. The woman had tears in her eyes while the man remained stoic. "John, you know it must be this way." She said her voice full of despair. "So this is how it's going to be? You are just going to leave these two brats here with me?" The man who I presumed to be John said with venom. "Those two "brats" are your children, besides you are the last person I would trust to take care of them." She said getting flustered. "Crystal, why can't you just stay with us? We could be a happy family." John said with a change of tone. "John, I will die if I stay here. You saw what Giratina did. You don't want that for them do you?" Crystal said in fear. "I can't take care of them, you know that." He said getting angry again. "Please give them a chance John, but if you can't, find someone you trust to take them in. I just want them to be safe and for them to be loved." She said.

I sat up rubbing my eyes. I felt as if some of the fog had lifted from my mind. This John guy was my father and Crystal was my mother. My heart went heavy with realization; John never stuck to his word because I still ended up in the forest alone. I now had more questions than ever but I knew one thing for certain; my past didn't determine my future.

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