A Family's Love

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Chase and I had been traveling for a while, and have been getting stronger each day. After a heated practice session,Chase took me aside to talk.

"Ok there's something I need to tell you before it's too late."

A sudden heat arose to my cheeks.

"G-g-go ahead"

"My family is coming to visit me here in Unova."


"I warn you though, my brother is annoyingly arrogant  and my mom is....... well crazy"


"Don't ask you'll see soon enough"

"So when exactly are they coming?"



"That's why their meeting us tomorrow. Remember when I told you my brother was a coordinator?"

"Oh no...."

"He'll be competing in the contest with you, and my mom will be meeting us all there to watch."


"Paige please calm down"

Just when I thought it couldn't get worse MY Dex Nav went off.


" Hey Pidgey"


"Guess who's coming to Unova to come see your next show!"





*slams head on desk*

"I thought you would be excited..."

"Oh Reggie, it's not that I'm not excited, but I just found out that Chase's family is coming to watch the contest as well. Topping it off Chase's brother who is an EXPERT COORDINATOR will be competing with me. I'm a little anxious to say the least."

"You've got some experience up your sleeve and I know that you're going to be fine. Win or no win, you are still an amazing coordinator."

"You always know what to say Reggirock"

"You know it Little Pidgey"


I looked over at Chase who was slumped against the wall.

"You ok?"

"Um yeah..."

"No you're not"

I got up from my little desk and plopped down beside him.

"So what's going on?"

"I'm fine, really."

"Chase Haydn, I know you better than that. So let's try this again, shall we?"

" *Laughs* ok, you got me. I'm nervous about you meeting my family and I feel bad for making you anxious about your contest. I just don't want to be the thing that drives you into a breakdown...."

"Oh Chase, don't feel bad! I am going to be nervous no matter what. If anything, knowing that you're going to be there cheering me on will make me feel even better."

"You mean it?"

"Would I have said it otherwise?"

"Thanks Paige. Say, shouldn't I be the one comforting you?"

The Guardians of ArceusTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon