Chapter 2

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Dedicated to LanieRach for the A-M-A-Z-I-N-G cover of this book. I would be using it, however, it's spelt wrong :/ Anyways, enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment :D

Chapter 2

          The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.

                -Albert Einstein

The darkness engulfed me once more, though my peace had not returned.

                The weightless feeling was back, but I knew it was only temporary.  For, if I wasn’t mistaken, this is what it felt like to dream, to be asleep. Your mind, shut down. Your body, motionless. Every once in a while, an image would overtake me, sucking my thoughts into an elaborate scenario. Sometimes, they would be happy, others scary, some depressing. But each time, I was returned soon to the darkness I craved. But it wasn’t enough.

                For I knew soon I would be awakened. My body was only shut down temporarily. These thoughts were preventing me from fully shutting down; the sleep the doctor ordered becoming impossible.

                The one thought overtook my mind, forcing me to give it my full attention. I was alive. My heart was beating. Somehow, my lifeless body had regained mortality. Somehow, the doctors had brought me back.

                A beating sound soon woke me up. It’s steady rhythm lodging itself into my body, keeping perfect time. Never once did it falter, never once even hesitating in its tempo. At least, it didn’t, until I realized that thumping in my body was actually my heart.

                When that revelation came, the beating stopped for a second, before picking up its pace double time. The adrenaline rushed through my body, because this confirmed things for me. I was alive.

                I, Aria Nevada Dryden, was officially back from the dead.

  My eyes snapped open. A man, Dr. Molson, stood over top of me, grinning like a madman. Once he realized I was awake, he started shouting, “She’s awake! Everybody, Aria’s awake! Calvin, come quick!”

                Commotion started up around me. People talking, papers shifting and metals banging together. I struggled to sit up, though the straps holding me down prevented all movement aside from wiggling around, without accomplishing too much.

                Someone chuckled to the left of me. I whirled around to see Dr. Pierce grinning at me like he had just won the lottery. By the happy twinkle in his brown eyes, it seemed like he had. Trying not to be rude, I cleared my throat, trying to signify my discomfort.

                It seemed to work, snapping him out of his happy daze. Instead, he just shook his head and steeped up to my gurney, swiftly pulling at the buckle until it came loose, letting my limbs move freely. I groaned in satisfaction, moving to pull myself into an upright position.

                Only my arms didn’t seem to want to listen. Rather than going to propel my body forward, they only slipped off the side of the bed, dangling there uselessly.  I tried to bend my knees, to push myself up, with similar results. It seemed my entire body, asides from my neck and head, had stopped working. I turned to look at the doctor once more, panic etching itself into my expression.

                He looked at me sympathetically and sighed, scribbling something onto a clipboard. “We’ve made some progress already, which is good. Your body is reacting well to most of the new organs, as well as the shock of waking up after so long. But it may need some time to adjust, hence your unmovable limbs. Slowly, your joints and muscles will mobilize, but until then, it seems you will be bed ridden.” He explained, all the while writing on his clip board. “Now…”

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