"What?", Perrie asked. She was really shocked. "But.. But why? Engagement is a huge deal and I don't think your boyfriend's gonna like that."

Selena sighed, "I know, me neither. I told them that we have to stop this PR-Stunt soon, but my manager told me that we, at least, should stay together for three months. Around that time most PR-Relationships break-up, so we won't even stand out and be the circle of everything."

"And how are we supposed to get people to buy that shitty engagement story?", Perrie asked and layed back. This was so frustrating.

Selena laughed a little. 'Shitty engagement story', she thought amused. "Well, my manager said that we'd do it like this: Two days before I leave, - which means tomorrow - you'll get an engagement ring. Since you and the girls are going to have an interview tomorrow, people are going to ask you about the ring. You'll tell him about our engagement and if they ask you about details you just say that you're really happy and that it's a private thing and that the way I proposed to you is only for you to know."

"And what about you?", Perrie wondered. She always ended up doing all the promotion and she hated that. If you end up in a PR-Relationship, make sure that not only you have to promote your 'partner'.

"I will start my world tour. I'll have many, many interviews and livestreams going on where fans can ask me questions. My manager says that after the bomb drops, many fans will want to know details or any kind of information about us, our relationship and our engagement. Which is why he told me to be as open as possible. He'll tell me what to say. - Trust me, Perrie. I hate this as much as you, but it kinda helps us both." Selena tried to make the best of the situation. She hated PR-Stunts and Perrie too. It wasn't even their fault. Leigh started it all and when Selena told her management a funny story about how Perrie and her pretended to be girlfriends so Perrie could get Jade back, her manager started to like the concept of it all. They were practically forced to do it. The only positive thing about this was the fact that Selena and Perrie were best friends. Most PR-Relationships hate each other and when the camera's are off, they always fight.

Perrie sighed, "Not really. - I mean, yes, when it comes to Little Mix and your career it works, but when it comes to Jade.. Not so much.", Perrie sighed, "I know I'm slowly starting to get on your nerves, and I'm sorry. It's just.. On Christmas, I saw Heather and Jade and later on that girl started to call my Jade 'Jadey' like I used to do. - And to top it all, she's a cold-hearted bitch."

"What do you mean?", Selena asked. Perrie wouldn't talk about Heather like that if something didn't happen. The brunette knew that something was off ever since Perrie came back from the kitchen back then on Christmas, but Perrie never told her what happened.

Perrie turned off the movie and looked over to Selena, "As you remember, I went back into the kitchen to get the cake. Also, you know how Heather said she was going to help me in the kitchen. Well, she actually didn't do that."

"What did she do?"


Perrie went into the kitchen to get the cake Selena and her made before everyon arrived. It was a chocolate cake, obviously. Jesy really wanted a chocolate cake. Selena and Perrie have been acting like a couple for good two hours now and Perrie was so tired of it. As much fun as it is, it can get on your nerves. Especially, if you're pretending for real, not for fun. You have to pay attention to every details. Perrie had to do things with Selena she'd rather do with Jade, like looking deeply into each others eyes or holding hands.

Perrie flinched for a second as she heard a familiar voice, "Perrie."

"Heather.", Perrie answered. She tried to be as nice as possible. "I don't need help, I'm just getting the cake."

Jerrie // Falling Around You [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now