《Place Five - Shota Masaharu》

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You are a rather sporty girl, and your friends have been cooing over this Masaharu-senpai for weeks now and his awesome skills. Basically, they dragged you to a practice match of his the fourth week of talking about it.

By this time you had your own practice to go to, and attempting to pry their hands off, not wishing to see the childhood friend of yours who seemed to forget about you once joining high school.

"I don't want to go! I have soccer practice, idiots!" You were shouting just as Masaharu walks past, you give up your avoidance of your once childhood friend. "Senpai, please help." You failed to notice his cheeks coloring as he leaves that area.

"BETRAYAL!" You screech at him, making him wince.


You mutter curses to your old friend, walking back home alone since your other "friends" left you behind as usual. "I hate everyone." You hiss, your body shivering when a cold wind blows by.

You stop walking when you see him in a distance, walking the direction you are in. You make a 'tsk' noise and keep walking, dropping your hands to your sides as you walk.

"(Name), stop." You halt your movements, looking over at him and you sigh. "What? I'm surprised you remember my name honestly, you didn't seem to when you left me behind."

He flinches, and you see it from the corner of your eye. "(Name), I didn't want to." You shake your head at him, giving him a glare as tears come to your eyes, which he notices at first glance.

"I needed you... Right after you left me alone, you didn't answer my calls, texts, vists. My mom died, idiot! I had to live with my aunt because my dad hurt me! I reminded him of her, and he hated me.

"I came to you at school and you just walked away! How can anyone rely on you when you run from them when they need you?" You cry out, tears finally slipping down your cheeks. "Oh, no that's just me. You help everyone else just fine."

You turn away from him and without another word you sprint forward. "(Name)! Don't!" You don't bother to listen and only run, Masaharu chasing after you.

You didn't see the car coming your way, he wasn't fast enough. The car hit you at full speed, your body flying. By that time, he was already calling the police and the ambulance.


You grunt, wincing as you open your eyes. You sit up in your bed as you look around, your head fuzzy as you notice the boy sitting in the chair next to your bed. Masaharu Shōta, the name echoes in your head when you see him.

"Um, Masaharu-senpai?" He opens his eyes to see you awake and looking at him. "(Name)!" He stands and walks over to you, reaching a hand out only for it to be slapped away.

"Why're you here? Shouldn't you be with your friends?" Your question makes his heart break, Masaharu giving up as he slams a hand on the bed, trapping your body from moving away from you.

"Shut up." He mutters, "Let me talk." You wince, glancing down before nodding. "Yes, I avoided you. I was scared of becoming closer to you and you leaving me when you found out about my feelings."

Your mind goes blank, as your heart speeds up. "Your an idiot." You didn't let him finish, a sigh escaping him. "All you had to do was say you liked me, I would've said yes."

His eyes widen as he leans closer, his breath hitting your ear. "Then I like you. Will you go out with me when you get out of here?" He asks, making you giggle. "Of course." He gives you a deep kiss and pulls back, placing his forehead on yours.

"I look forward to it."

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