《Place Three - Ryo Inoue》

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"(Surname) (Name), you will be getting a tutor this year, okay?" Your teacher tells you, your heart speeding up. "Oh, but who will it be? I burden people enough already, I couldn't possibly do it more..." You see as a child, and even now, you are frail and can't do many things by yourself.

Being hospitalized through childhood made learning hard, and even though you were great at studying you couldn't get down the material for, mainly, the hard subjects. "You don't have to worry about it. His name is Inoue Ryo, you will meet him in the library after school today and anywhere else is your decision for tomorrow on."

His name makes your heart speed up, he was a boy that many girls admired. You'll be shark bait. "Okay." You squeak out as the teacher nods. "Now, you should head there now." You nod and follow your teachers order, heading toward the library which wasn't too far from your current position.

When you enter the library, you can see Inoue sitting in his wheelchair studying as other teenage girls give him glances from time to time. You nervously walk up to him, glancing over at Shota Masaharu, his friend, as you do so. "U-Um?" You stutter quietly, causing both boys to look up.

"Yes?" Your cheeks turn a light red, before you manage out, "My teacher told me you would be tutoring me for however long I need it, I'm (Surname) (Name). Sorry for causing you the inconvenience."

Inoue and Masaharu both chuckle, causing you to shyly look at them. "It's not an inconvenience. Please sit, we can start if you'd like." Inoue says as Masaharu stands from his seat. "I have the gardening club to attend to anyways, you can take this seat."

You thank the older teen as you take the seat next to Inoue, ignoring the glaring girls around you. "What are you having trouble with?" Is his first question, which causes you to giggle lightly and speak, "The material for mathematics and English. It gets confusing sometimes."

You pull out your notebook and open it to show neatly placed notes. "Are you sure? You're notes are placed perfectly." You nods, giving a sigh. "That's what my teachers say, I'm good at studying and writing notes but whenever it comes to quizzes or tests the material becomes confusing.

"I don't understand how some things happen and when I second guess myself it just causes everyone trouble. I hate being a burden." You confess, giving a small smile as you look at the notes, not noticing how the male looks at you. "Why would you think you're a burden?"

"Ah, well... I've never gone to school until now, my kindergarten to middle school years I was always in different hospitals being treated for different things. My parents were always homeschooling me, but when I'd mess up they weren't the happiest, and they yelled.

"That only made my conditions worse, and now high school I'm finally well enough to attend." You explain, Inoue tensing and relaxing beside you every word. "I'll be sure to be a better tutor and help you through it."

You smile at him directly, your eyes closing with the smile as he fights down a blush.


The next day you were walking through the halls of the school, soon being shoved against the lockers by three girls. Their faces covered in makeup to make their faces prettier, only to make it look messy as it seems they rushed with their look.

"Stay away from Inoue!" The leader demands causing you to tilt your head to the side. "B-But he's my tutor?" You defend, causing her and her friends to growl. "That must've been a lie, you just want to get close to him. Listen, stay away from him and stop acting chummy, got it?"

You flinch and look away as tears come to your eyes, making the girls walk away with smirks of triumph. You fall to your knees, feeling like you're suffocating as you breathe heavily as you consider the consequences of spending time with the boy you've grown fond of. Masaharu walks through that hall in that moment and rushes over.

"(Surname), are you alright?" He questions you, making you cough. "I can't breathe..." You manage out, yourself panicking which makes him move in front of you. You look him in the eye as he tells you to breathe slowly, you slowly calming down just as Inoue rolls into the hall.

"What's going on?" You and Masaharu turn to him, Inoue now being able to see your tear stained cheeks. He rolls over as quickly as he can, and leans over in the chair to get a better look at you. "S-Sorry, I was having trouble breathing and Masaharu-senpai helped me."

Inoue leans back in his chair, looking away as his bangs cover his eyes. "I'm glad you're okay then." You give a tear stained smile toward him, Inoue taking notice as his ears turn a light red.

You stand up with slight trouble as Masaharu helps you, causing you to thank him. "I'm going ahead." He states, leaving you and Inoue alone. "Sorry for causing you trouble." You say to Inoue, who turns to you as you speak.

"Stop saying that." He demands, making you tilt your head to the side. He grabs your wrist and pulls you onto his lap, your body small enough to do so. He cups a hand around your cheek, as the other wraps around your waist. Your face heats up as he places his lips on yours. "I'm happy I'm your tutor."

"I'm happy too."

<A/N: This is going to stop here for today, however, if I get views on this story I will begin back up. Hope you enjoyed everything so far. I hope I get feed back.>

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