《Place Four - Kogoro Akechi》

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Being a single mother is difficult, especially when your child was kidnapped and placed on live tv by a man known as Twenty Faces. The woman in this situation is you, (Name) (Surname), as you rush to the Akechi Investigation Firm to speak with Akechi Kogoro.

You make it to him in no time, your (h/c) hair falling around your shoulders as you lean closer to his face. "Save him, Akechi-san!" You beg, the man raising a brow. "Who is he to you?" You've been dating him for awhile now, how could he not know about your son, simple your son was always at your mother's until now.

"He's my son. He's the only person I have left other than my mother, please, Kogoro." You beg, seeing him let out a sigh as he stands. "So, you're not married?" You flinch, giving him a glare. "No, Twenty Faces killed my husband and now he has my son. If you're not going to help, I'm saving him."

You turn and walk toward the elevator and take it down to the first floor. "Shit." He curses as he follows after you to apologize for his behavior and help you out.

He catches up to you as you leave the building. "(Name), wait. I'm sorry and I'll help you." You turn to him as he scratches the back of his head, you nodding as you step beside him. "Okay."


You, Akechi, and the others in the Boy Detectives Club all walk through different halls of the building Twenty Faces is keeping your son, (S/n), captive.

You and Akechi walk together, but stop when two men walk closer to you. You both go into another hall, bodies pressed tightly together causing Akechi to give you a heated kiss. You pull back as the other two are at the end of the hall, making you sigh and hit him on the head at the same time.

"They came from that room at the end of the hall." You comment heading towards there with your boyfriend and opening the door recklessly. You see Twenty Faces chuckling at your son's fearful expression, making you growl and catch their attention.

"Give him back, Fiend!" You screech, making him look over at you with a smirk. "I got caught. Looks like we'll have more fun later, Akechi." He leaves with those words, letting you run to your son.

"Mom?" Your son asks, making you nod. "It's me, baby, it's me." You comfort, holding him close to your chest as Akechi walks up to you both.

"Thank you, Kogoro." Your son looks up at him. "So your mom's boyfriend?" He asks mockingly, making you flush.

"Treat her well, or I'll hit you." You hold back laughter at his words as you stand with your son, Akechi giving the boy a smile. "I'll treat her perfectly." He gives you a kiss on the lips making your son make a gagging sound at the action.

"Let's go home."

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