《Place One - Yoshio Kobayashi》

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"I'm Kobayashi... Yoshio." Your mind goes back to the boy who saved your life yesterday, the face of surprise when you touched him, the red eyes he had and his pale skin. "Kobayashi, huh?"

A sigh slips past your lips as you fall back on your bed, wearing only denim shorts and a tank top with a red, plaid shirt over it. "(Name)! Someone is here to see you. Come down here." Your mother calls from downstairs, causing you to exit your room and go downstairs.

"Yo!" A boy with brown hair and blue eyes greets you, your head tilting to the side as an eyebrow is raised in confusion. "I'm Hanasaki Kensuke! You sent an email to the Boy Detectives Club because you lost something, a necklace, would this be it?"

He holds it up, the necklace falling from his hand to dangle in front of you. "It is! Why would you bother with something like this when you don't even know me...?" A small smile is put on your face as you take the necklace, holding it to your chest happily as you slip it on over your head.

"It wasn't me who found it, but someone else who wanted to give it back." He seems to smirk as he grabs your wrist and moves you outside with him. "You're okay with us taking her out, right?" Your mother nods, clasping her hands together as you get pulled outside with him.

"Us? But you're the only..." You trail off when you see Kobayashi Yoshio in front of you, your cheeks beginning to heat up as he turns to face you. "(Surname) (Name), right?" He questions, you only being able to nod in embarrassment as you manage to stutter out, "Yes... And you're Kobayashi Yoshio, r-right?"

You silently curse at yourself for stuttering as the boy nods. "Haha! Now, let's go." Hanasaki cheers, catching both yours and Kobayashi's attention. "Where exactly?" You ask, causing the brunette to turn and smile at you. "You're going to help us kill him."

Everything slows around you as you turn to Kobayashi, who was being pointed at by Hanasaki. "What?!" You screech in surprise as you take a step away from the two. "He wants to die, so why not?" Your heartbeat quickens as they both turn to you, Kobayashi noticing the look of disbelief and pain in your eyes.

"Oi, why do you look so upset?" He asks apathetically. "Why...? You two are idiots that's why! You think death is the only way out?! You don't care what others would feel if you die?! One death brings about hundreds more! You think that you're unimportant so death is the escape route?

"Cut the shit!" Your outburst cause them to stare at you with widened eyes, your body moving on your own as you turn and run from them as tears stream down your cheeks. 'Why? Why? Why? First papa and now Kobyasahi-kun! Why do they all leave me behind?!'

You stop running and bend over to place your hands on your knees, breathing heavily as tears keep falling down your cheeks. You wipe them away hastily as you stand up straight only to panic, you didn't know where you were.

You back up until your back hits the alleyway wall and slide down, looking up and staring at the sky with your eyes dimming from their usual brightness as it starts to rain.

He watches you run off with a look of surprise and confusion, his chest tightening in fear. "Kobayashi?" Hanasaki questions, seeing his upset expression. "Go away. I have to find her." He mutters, moving from his spot into a run causing Hanasaki to smirk from where he stands.

"My work here is done." He chides, chuckling as Kobayashi continues to run the direction you went. He hears sniffling to the right of him in an alleyway, his head turning to see you staring up at the sky with tears streaming down your cheeks.

"(Name)?" You turn your head to him and he flinches, your dull (e/c) eyes meeting his own red eyes. "Please...don't leave me too. I can't lose someone else, especially not you, Kobayashi-kun." He stops completely, his heart exhilarating with joy but he keeps his face stiff with only his eyes widening.

"You... won't." She gives a sad smile before tackling him into a hug, his back landing on the ground as he hesitantly hugs her back as she buries her head in his neck.

"Thank you, Kobayashi-kun."

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