Chapter 14 - Opening Of The Tomb

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 Chapter 14:

I woke up that day with one thing on my mind, and that was getting the journal back from Alaric. That meant going to school. I don't if I could handle seeing Jeremy. I couldn't sleep at all last night. The guilt was eating me alive. I bet if saw Jeremy, I would just blurt out that Damon kissed me. But that's not what happened. He didn't just kiss me. I kissed him back.

Now I was just confused. Should I open that tomb. I know I promised Damon, but I can't get over the fact that I still like him.

But I have Jeremy, I don't need Damon. I had never really thought of what would happen when we get Katherine back. Where will I go. Damon isn't gonna want to stay in Mystic Falls. I guess I would stay here. It would be odd if I went with Damon. I don't think Katherine will like me very much. What if she still likes Stefan. What's Elena gonna do. These are a lot of what ifs. We wont know until we open the tomb. So that's what we'll do. Tonight.


"Rick!!" I burst through the door of Mr. Saltzman's classroom. I decided to wait till after school is over to come here, or I'd have to stay the whole day.

"Um.. Ms. Scott?" He asks dazedly.

"I think we should be on a first name basis by now"

"What do you need?"

"Oh right, Jenna said she gave you a journal. Well, me and Jeremy need it back."

"Stefan already came by asking for it." He tells me. "

So he has it?" I thought Stefan wasn't helping.


"Um.. ya thanks, Rick." I spin on my heel and head to the door.

"Wait." He stops me. "Are you one of them?" One of what? Did he know about vampires. I decided to play dumb.

"What are you talking about?"

"If Stefan is a vampire you have to be one too." He says, almost to himself.

"Oh ya that. Yup I'm a vampire too. How'd you know?"

"My wife was killed by a vampire." He says coldly.

"Aww poor baby. I'm sorry" I say in a small voice.

"Hm ya." He says, looking down at his desk. It got awkward after that so I just slowly back out of the room.

There is no way Stefan is helping us open that tomb. So that means he is trying to get the grimoire before us. There's no way he would give me the journal. So we will just have to be there once he opens the tomb.


"Hey." Damon said once I walked into his room. He was sitting on his bed. Damon's room was pretty average. It was pretty big and had a hall that lead to the bathroom. But it was nothing special.

"Hello." I replied with a faint smile. I stood in the doorway. It seemed pretty awkward to go in.

"Did you get the journal?" He asked me.

"No." I said sadly.

"Have you done anything to open that tomb?"

"No." I said once again.

"So you pretty much useless?" He ask me bitterly. Sadly, he was right. I was useless. I always need someone to look after me. I couldn't handle taking care of myself. So in turn I was useless. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. Please come in." He pleaded. I walked over to him and sat on his bed. He turned and looked at me.

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