Chapter 25 - The Barbeque

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Chapter 25

I left the house that morning as soon as I could.

I was dodging Damon. He had come into my room many times that night. I pretended to be asleep and didn't look up once, I heard him sigh and walk out. Sometimes he even got the courage to come over and brush the hair from my face, but not once did he disturb me.

I knew he was guilty, but that didn't make me want to forgive him in the slightest. He went too far. He had no right to say that stuff about. Nor was he allowed to act as if I was his property.

I pushed my way into the grill. There weren't many people here, only 5 or 6. I was surprised, this place was too empty for a Saturday.

I noticed a couple by window and some guys playing pool. What caught my attention was Elena and Damon sitting at the front.

I thought about walking over there but went against it. Instead I kept my eyes down and made my way back from where I came. Due to my clumsiness and lack of attention I walked straight into someone. That someone turned out to be none other than Tyler Lockwood.

"Hey," He greeted warmly. "I was going to call you but I was afraid you were still sleeping."

"I normally would be, but I woke up extra early today and decided to go out rather than staying in bed all day."

"I was hoping I could talk to you." He sounded troubled.

"What's wrong?" I asked in a concerned tone.

"Can we talk over coffee?" He motioned towards the grill.

I nodded my head before remember Damon was in there. We walked in just as Damon was leaving. I stopped suddenly in my place with Tyler doing the sane, seeing as he was holding my hand.

Damon's eyes glanced me over and then traveled to my hands interlocked with Tyler's. He went to say something but just left in a huff.

It took me a minute after he left to continue walking with Ty. "What was that about?"

"Nothing, just usual moody Damon." I grumbled taking a seat across from Tyler.

"What did you wanna talk about?" I quickly changed the subject before he asked more questions.

"You're gonna think this is crazy." He said, not looking up at me.

"No I won't," I whispered, grabbing his hands he had been fumbling with and directed his eyes up to me. "Just tell me."

In one deep breath he rushed out his words, "My uncle's a werewolf and he was the wolf that attacked you last night and I might become a werewolf too."

As soon as the words were said, regret washed over his features. Do to my shocked expression he probably thought I didn't believe him.

"Crazy, right?" He shrugged. "You probably don't believe me."

"No, no I believe you. I'm just surprised you're telling me this." I tired calming down his worries.

"I know I'm a nut!" He shouted, then stopped himself from saying anymore. He eyes flew up to mine and grew wide. "Wait, you believe me?"

"I'm a very open minded person." I chuckled. If only he knew what I did.

"Oh." He looked like he had nothing much to say. I guess he didn't think he'd get this far. "Ok, cool." He drifted off, looking confused.

"So back on topic, you said you might become a werewolf too?" I tried to get more information.

Maybe I should have acted more skeptical of this, but I wanted answers. Tyler didn't seem to notice anything, so I kept up my persistence. "You said it like a bad thing, you don't want to be a werewolf?"

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