5. Irish I Was Drunk

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I should have paid closer attention to what Camila had been working on the first two weeks of March, but in my defense she kept it quite a good secret. As long as it didn't negatively affect me in any way, then I was fine with whatever scheme she was working on. She also tended to hum to herself when she got lost in her projects and I tended to enjoy closing my eyes to daydream. She'd catch me of course, she always caught me but she never stopped humming. I'd soon figure out that she liked having that effect on me.

No, I really didn't concern myself with finding out what Cabello was working on but as I stared down at the neatly drawn map of Lima, I started second guessing my choices. It was a treasure map, you could say, a treasure map designed to bring us all throughout Lima on a scavenger hunt.

Naturally it was themed, because how does Camila Cabello plan a scavenger hunt on St. Patrick's Day without having it themed? I shouldn't have expected anything less from her when I saw that it was supposed to lead you to a pot of gold. Clearly a metaphor or something, they always were Camila's thing.

No one knew what the pot of gold was, but when Camila momentarily forgot that my eyes were always on her, she glanced at Zayn, and his smirk said it all. They both knew what the pot of gold was and that terrified me. Camila and Zayn teaming up was somewhat of a chemistry experiment gone wrong, rarely anything good came out of their schemes. Zayn always had ulterior motives and he tended to prey on Camila's innocence. Occasionally, Camila was the devil in the plan and Zayn was too stupid to realize he was getting played. Regardless, they were a match made in hell.

Mr. Cowell of course was no help, stating that it was a wonderful idea to exercise some friendly competition and it would give us a chance to bond with people we normally wouldn't hang out with. I glanced down at the map Camila took the time to make look authentic, with burnt edges and crinkled paper, and grew weary. The rules were simple enough, teams would go around town, solving the riddles that Camila thoughtfully made up and they'd find the next riddle at each location. So it wasn't a scavenger hunt exactly, it was actually more work. The map of Lima was just for Dinah's use, and as we eventually found out that night, it came in handy.

When Camila caught my eye and slyly smiled the smile she tended to reserve for me, I knew I had nothing to worry about. Of course if she already went through the trouble to make up the clues then she already made up the teams too. And if that was the case, I really had nothing to worry about. I saw her cheeks redden a bit when I realized what her sly smile meant.

But Mr. Cowell, as he so often loved to do, threw in a curveball. No one anticipated him coming in with his trusty hat so that we could pick teams, couldn't he have just trusted Camila to of made fair teams?

Not even Camila's panicked rambling could save us from it, Cowell had decided and that left me standing in the middle of a parking lot, cursing the holy heavens that Shawn Mendes had to draw my name out of the hat. And if matters weren't any worse, Camila had drawn Naill and Austin so that Naill wouldn't have to do all the work since Camila technically couldn't participate.

Disaster was the understatement of the year.

"I think Camila's cheating on me," Shawn stated as we approached the front of the closed grocery store, I stopped in my tracks and he bumped into me.

"Why would you think that?" I asked, the edge to my voice was that of a guilty convict but he was never smart enough to catch on, "She's not cheating on you, Camila wouldn't cheat on you."

Camila wouldn't cheat, it's just something she wouldn't do. But she was cheating on him with me, and I was cheating on someone I was in a relationship with, again.

No, it was different right? God, I never realized that we've both cheated on Shawn before, and with Zayn no less. Granted, neither of those times meant anything, Zayn was manipulative and conniving. The affair Camila and I were having was emotional and physical, which was... so much worse. We were so screwed.

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