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"Bambam give me my fucking phone back before I cut your balls" Youngjae shouted from the other side of the kitchen isle, his hair disheveled from all the times he ran a hand through it since the Thai boy entered his apartment; it hadn't even been fifteen minutes, yet the kid had managed to steal his phone and run around the house with it.

"No hyung, wait 'till I finish!" the guy in front of him exclaimed before running out of the kitchen and jumping on his friend couch, phone still in his hand and a concentrated look on his face.
Youngjae sighed, combing once again his hair with his hands before sitting down on the couch too, a bored look on his face. "Why are you even using my phone, by the way? You have your own!" he tried to take a peek, but Bambam quickly backed away, not letting him see it. The brunette groaned and closed his eyes- he was seriously going to kill him someday.

"Calm down hyung, I almost finished! And I'm sure you'll thank me later" said the bleached haired guy (what even was his hair color now? Youngjae stopped caring years ago) tapping away some things on the other's phone before grinning happily "Done!" he beamed before passing the phone to his friend- more like tossing it on Youngjae's stomach, making him almost shout in pain; don't mind the poor boy, he did nothing in his life but be born as a weakley.

"How did you even get hurt? I didn't even use any of my strength" Bambam rolled his eyes before going closer to Youngjae who was busy rubbing his tummy and silently cursing at him; instead, the Thai beamed happily grabbing his phone once again and standing up, happily showing it to the owner.

"You, my dear friend, have to thank me" Bambam declared solemnly, which made Youngjae almost crack up in laughter; almost because, well, he learned to never trust Bambam when he acted like that. "Why should I? All you did is run around my house and use my phone" to which Bambam groaned and stomped his friend's foot "Listen to me you dumbass!" then he turned back to his acting and announced "I, Kunpimook Bhuwakul, your great friend and love counselor- to which Youngjae sneered causing Bambam to exasperatedly sigh and coldly stare at him- have found the way to make you forget about that jerk who likes to sucks other dicks and then act like it was all an hallucination caused by drugs also known as Mark shitty Tuan!".

Youngjae glared at him, the mention of his ex-boyfriend making him sad more than annoyed "Bam we already talked about it" he murmured looking at the ground "I don't think I'll get over him soon, all I have to do is sit, watch Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo and cry because I don't have a boyfriend like Jeong Joo Hyung nor like Nam Joo Hyuk in general"; Bambam scoffed before almost shoving the phone in his best friend face "Listen to me you hoe, all you have to do is listen to me! I downloaded this app on your phone, all you have to do is match with some guys and then chat with them. I'm sure you'll find someone better than Mark, hell, he'll probably be hella hotter than that stick!"
Youngjae laughed looking at Bambam "You sure you ain't talking about yourself?" to which he received a cushion shoved to his face "Fuck off" the bleached haired guy (which now Youngjae realized was grey) murmured; he then threw the phone again, this time landing on the couch, and retorted "Can't you at least try? I'm doing anything I can to make you forget him, but you're the one who doesn't want to despite what he did to you!".

The answer got Youngjae to release an exaggerated sigh and look at him "What if I can't forget him anyways?" Bambam rolled his eyes and then said "Kunpimook here swears he'll give you fifty dollars if in a month you're still crying over him"; the guy before him laughed a bit and nodded "Challenge accepted!"


Later that night, Youngjae kept staring at his phone and biting his fingernails feeling anxious. Anxious about what? Not even him could understand it. All he wanted to do was going to his best friend house and punch him in the face for making him feel like that; all because of an app.
BTS were blasting through the stereo and he could feel the lady who lived under him screaming because of the noise, but all he did was chuckle: he loved annoying that old lady so he did it everytime he could.
Forgetting for a moment about the app Bambam had installed on his phone, he went to the kitchen to get something to eat; he opened is fridge only to find some pizza he ate the other night and a bottle of beer. He shrugged and took the bottle and the leftovers before going back to his room to eat and stare again at the piece of electronic on his bed- as if he could do something different anyway. Living as a student can be boring, right?

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