Chapter 35: Ares

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Warning: Most intense chapter ever ;)

Maverick glanced up upon Youlden's return. "Did you find out what it -" he paused at the look on Youlden's face. "What happened? What's wrong?"

"I think...I think maybe we should go."

"What was it?" Maverick got to his feet, ready to trust Youlden's decision.

"There were Army soldiers - Commander Lee and his Second. There was also this girl." Youlden shook his head. "I thought Lee was going to kill her, and I don't even know why, but I ran in. I attacked the Commander of the Army."

He seemed truly terrified, running his fingers through his hair. "I ran back here because I knew I had to tell you. We have to move before they find you."

"Who was the girl?" A strange feeling of calm washed over Maverick. He wasn't afraid of Eric, but Eric's presence meant something. Something big.

"I don't know. She was - different. Like me." He held up his hands.

"Red hair?" Maverick asked, not looking at Youlden. "Blue and red markings?"

"How do you know that?" Youlden's response was confirmation.

"That's my sister."

Youlden stared down at him where he still rested against the mountain. "Your-your sister?" His eyes widened. "She's here?"

Maverick let out a long, slow breath. "Of course she is. She never listens." Maverick pushed to his feet. "Well we can't go anywhere now. Army or not, I'm going after her."

Youlden hesitated, but nodded. "Maybe we could find one of the caves up in the mountains and wait for her. I have a feeling we'll sense her when she arrives."


Phoenix, Noelle and Roman traveled in silence, their senses heightened as they watched for Army soldiers. Their strain weighed on Phoenix, even if she couldn't feel it directly from Roman, the glares he shot her were enough.

"All right!" she finally said, rounding on them. "Say it."

"You let him go," Roman said with a hiss.

"It's not that big of a deal," Noelle said. "Can you just drop it?"

"No! He was going to kill her, and she didn't even try that hard to defend herself. If that big guy hadn't shown up, she wouldn't be here."

"What about him?" Noelle asked. "Is he really Ares?"

"Golden hair, markings, and obviously he had strength to take on Eric after all of his training. I've never seen anyone like him, and have you ever seen anyone like me?"

Noelle shook her head. Roman remained sour.

"We're headed for the Militia. They're the enemy of the Army." He pursed his lips. "You can't join them if you cry over a hurt Army soldier."

Phoenix tensed. "I have to cry to heal someone."

"You can't heal an Army soldier!" Roman threw his arms in the air. "You healed Samson Steele - Commander Lee's right hand man! If he'd have died, you would have dealt the Army a blow almost as great as killing Lee himself."

Phoenix stepped away from him. "I'd never let Samson die - especially not if it was my fault."

"He held a dagger to your throat."

"He wouldn't have hurt me."

"You're naive if you believe that." Roman shook his head. "I thought you were better than this."

Ignite (Phoenix Chronicles Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz