Chapter 30: What is Love?

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Maverick moved through the trees, unable to shake the feeling of something being wrong. He'd woken unable to remember his dreams, yet he couldn't help but feel the need to be cautious, as though danger could lurk around any corner.

Youlden, too, seemed quieter than usual. He tugged at his gloves more often than normal, his brow furrowed. 

"Have you ever been in love?" Maverick stopped dead at Youlden's question. The blond turned, seemingly surprised.  "What?"

"That's weird. Men don't ask men questions like that."

"Sure they do."

"Not when they don't know each other that well."

Youlden rolled his eyes. "We've been traveling together for weeks. I think we're pretty chummy by this point. Also, what's wrong with making small-talk? I'm not afraid of my feelings." He sniffed, starting off again down the path. "Not my problem if you're afraid."

"I'm not afraid," Maverick said defensively. "It's just a girly question."

"You must have never been in love. Only guys who don't understand it think it's feminine."

"So you've been in love?" Maverick snorted. Youlden had to be somewhere near his age, and from what he'd said thus far, he'd been a bit of an outsider due to his markings.

"I have seen love. I think that's enough." Youlden shrugged. "I've made plenty of broaches for men who want to propose to the ladies in their lives. Always something special. They're so eager about it, too."

"Oh." Maverick followed a few steps behind him. "Then why'd you ask me?"

"Curiosity. I've never been to Treywick, but I've heard of they Leyera girls."

"Girl," Maverick corrected. "Aundreya Leyera. Her sister died when she was young." Even as he said it, he remembered what Laina had said - that the sister was alive, but he shrugged it off.

"No, they definitely talked about both girls. I remember. It was a man who had gone to meet with Mayor Leyera about intercity cooperation. The twins had both been there, walking through the room, but they hadn't noticed him."

Maybe that's why he remembers. "I only know Aundreya. She's...not someone I want to spend time with."

"That's fair. What about your sister? Did she give her heart away, or keep it tucked safely near like you?"

Maverick frowned. Youlden always seemed so interested in talking about Laina. He hadn't had any brothers or sisters of his own, and Maverick sensed Youlden's awe at the idea of growing up alongside someone else. 

"Uh, well..." Maverick hesitated. "Not technically. No."

"Not technically?" Youlden laughed. "That sounds like an older brother's answer." 

"Well, there was one person she always seemed to have a, uh, fondness for. She tried to hide it, but, well, she's never been a very good liar."

Youlden smiled. "That's sweet. I bet she liked confiding in you. I hope he keeps her company while you're gone."

Maverick's jaw clenched. "He was a member of the Army. He left before I did."

Youlden's brows arched. "A member of the Army? But didn't that...I mean...well, you know. He's on the other side." 

Even as Youlden made the statement, Maverick thought back to Samson's face that day in the cottage - the way both Eric and his Second had seemed appalled by the unraveling of events.

"He is, but - do you ever think that we end up on the side we're on more by circumstance than actual belief?"

"What do you mean?" Youlden stepped over a tree stump and nearly ran right into a branch.

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