Chapter 28: The Ancient Order

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Castor waited in the space agreed upon, his fingers twitching with impatience.

"We're here." Altair's voice brought Castor around with another of the original stars. Qi arched her midnight brow, her black eyes fathomless as she nodded to him.

"Castor. It's been too long."

"Qi." Castor nodded curtly at her before turning back to Altair. He'd asked for them to join him, and Castor wanted to know why.

"The Ancient Order," Altair said, not needing Castor to speak his curiosity. "I fear there's a traitor in our midst."

"And you tell the two of us? You must assume we are safe," Qi frowned over at Castor before looking back to Altair. "Or perhaps you believe it to be one of us and you're smoking us out."

"No. You are the two I know it cannot be. Castor is too devoted to his charge, and you, Qi..." Altair trailed off, and Qi dropped her head, her jaw clenching. Altair cleared his throat. "Since the beginning, we've watched over the royal family. Since Tremaine spawned his first son, we've kept our gaze on the immediate heirs. Now, however, things have changed."

Castor's brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"Is this in regards to Clarice Tremaine's death?" Qi asked. "Who was her watcher?"

"Zenith. And no, though Juno would like us to believe it does. As Bainon is the only remaining Tremaine--"

"There's the son of Clarice. Maverick." Qi folded her arms across her chest. "Finny watches over him."

"Finny lost him."

"But he's safe. He's with Youlden." Qi lifted her chin, and Castor knew she prided herself in knowing what was going on below - even if she had no part in it anymore.

"And while Finny now knows where he is, she cannot go to him. Not in any way that would allow him to trust her. He doesn't know her as she is now. She's been with Adonai too long. She will watch over him from afar, as we have always done."

"Not that it always works," Qi said, averting her gaze.

"Back to this traitor," Castor said, hoping to draw attention away from Qi's failure. "What makes you think there is one among us?"

"Subtle things." Altair clasped his hands behind his back. "There are things that are happening that I don't believe are part of the plan. I consulted with a shapeshifter--"

"A shapeshifter?" Qi jerked back. "Why not ask Adonai himself?"

"You know he won't answer what he deems ours to discern." Altair sighed. "The shapeshifter sensed something dangerous in the stars. It said one of the Ancient Order is interfering." 

"That isn't saying much," Castor said. "I interfere on a regular basis."

"This was different. What you do is in the best interest of your royal charge. The shapeshifter insinuated that someone is dabbling outside of the royal family."

"Are you sure it wasn't just sensing Phoenix? She's not royal, but Adonai selected Watchers for both her and Ares." Castor couldn't help himself. He glanced at Qi and saw her wince as he said Ares' name. 

"I tell you that isn't it!" Altair threw his hands in the air. "This is a mortal of no royal heritage, and yet there is someone dabbling, causing trouble. They are betraying our work and our plans. Such negligence could bring harm to Phoenix, not to mention Maverick or Eric - mortals." 

"Juno? Bainon isn't favored among many. Perhaps she's hoping to find him favor by causing trouble?" Castor asked.

"It could be Zenith," Qi suggested. "Losing a charge can drive one to madness if one isn't careful. Trust me, I know."

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