Chapter 27: Selene Tells the Truth

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With Noelle on her back, Phoenix had a harder time keeping pace with Roman, who ran unencumbered. Still, knowing her speed almost matched his gave her a little thrill--her strength was nowhere near Maverick's. 

Roman slowed to match her pace, and though Noelle's body blocked her arm movement, Noelle felt light as a feather. It wasn't until Roman unexpectedly changed course that things went horribly wrong.

His body slammed into Phoenix's. She let out a shout, but neither could correct as they plowed through the trees, trying to dodge the branches as they lost control.  All three crashed to the ground, Noelle rolling off of Phoenix's back. Roman collided with a tree trunk. 

"What...the hells?" Phoenix spat out mulch as she struggled to sit up. Pain shot through every muscle, and her head pounded. "Why'd you do that? Roman?" Phoenix ignored her body's cry of protest, forcing herself to kneel. "Noelle?"

She glanced over and saw Noelle a few yards away, her eyes closed and her body limp. Not far from her, Roman lay on his back, blinking up at the sky, but not responding. Phoenix crawled to Noelle, scooping her up.

"No, no, no. I'm so sorry." She hugged Noelle tight, panic rising. "Selene? Please, I need you."

Selene appeared in a flash of silver light. "Phoenix? What's wrong?" She caught sight of Noelle. "Oh dear."

"Can you help her?" Fat tears filled Phoenix's eyes, threatening to spill over. "Can you heal her like you healed Mav?"

Selene blinked. "I didn't heal him." She knelt down next to Phoenix, placing her hand on Noelle's shoulder. "I don't have healing touch. I can create healing water." 

That doesn't make any sense. "Can you get some, then? She's hurt badly." The tears slipped down Phoenix's cheeks, splashing onto a cut on Noelle's cheek. A soft fizzing sound drew Phoenix's attention as the wound healed. "W-What?"

Selene smiled despite the serious situation. "You're the healer, Phoenix. Your tears seem to have the same effect as my healing waters. Don't be afraid. You can seal most wounds this way."

"But what about if it isn't a wound?" Phoenix asked, tears still tumbling down. Noelle didn't have many cuts, but she remained unconscious. "How do I help her?"

Selene pursed her lips. "I can bless your water and she can drink it." Selene moved to where Phoenix's bag had landed and fished out the skin of water. She pulled open the top and circled her hand around it, silver light descending into the container. "Here."

Phoenix accepted the blessed water and tipped a small bit into Noelle's mouth. She didn't want to choke her. The silvery water passed over Noelle's lips, and for a few seconds nothing happened. Noelle shot up, coughing and sucking at air. Phoenix let out a shriek of delight and threw her arms around her. 

"You're okay!"

Noelle still spluttered as she turned to Phoenix. "What happened. Why did he--" She stopped at the sight of Selene, her eyes widening. Her voice dropped to a whisper. "Who is that?"

"My mother," Phoenix whispered back, finally leaving Noelle to see what had happened to Roman. He still lay on his back, blinking rapidly.

"Roman? Roman can you hear me?" 

His gaze flickered to hers, but he didn't speak. Phoenix lifted his head gently and placed the water pouch to his lips, tipping it so he could drink. When he'd had a healthy gulp, she lay his head back down, waiting.

"Ow," he finally wheezed. 

"Why'd you knock us down?" Phoenix asked, unable to keep the harsh tone from her voice. "What was that?"

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