Chapter 17: Where Everything Changes

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Eric sat on his cot, staring down at his hands, his whole body cold. As he flexed his fingers, he tried to shut out the events of the day before. Twenty people were dead, nineteen of them killed by his men, and of course the one killed by Narissa.

Death was never easy. Executions weren't a joy or something he looked forward to, though he knew some of his men did. It was necessary evil - the only way to erase the evil of the Militia infecting the land.

Closing his eyes, Eric remembered the looks on Maverick and Laina's faces. Worse, he remembered the strange feeling of hearing what Laina thought. His stomach churned, and he swallowed.

Was he the one developing some form of telepathy? Was that part of his royal heritage - of his mother's magic? Or could it be her somehow. Could Laina develop more than one gift?

Somehow he knew the answer. Telepathy wasn't his. It was hers. And to develop more than one gift - along with someone's signature growing stronger - could only mean one thing. A shuffling at the front of his tent drew Eric's attention. Samson stood with Jensa, the former's mouth set in a grim line.

"It's them, isn't it?"

Samson said nothing, his steely gaze set on Eric, and not for the first time, Eric wished it had been him to develop telepathy. Jensa straightened his shoulders.

"The Lanslows resisted against my interrogation until the end. Mrs. Lanslow died without divulging anything, but her husband gave us a name. Knight."

Heart sinking, Eric nodded. "The Knights are involved."

"No. The Knights are of royal blood." Jensa arched a brow.

Eric felt the blood drain from his face. "What?"

"Claire Knight is Clarice Tremaine, the missing princess." 

Clarice Tremaine, sister of Bainon Tremaine. My aunt. Which means Maverick and Laina are--"We'll go to them at once. I know my fa--the king's love for his sister was strong. We'll let them know they have nothing to fear from us, from anyone in Osha, and we'll bring them home."

"No." Jensa stepped forward, shaking his head. "We won't."

"What do you mean, we won't? Did you forget who was in command here?" Eric squared off, glaring at the older man. "We'll do as I say."

"Queen Narissa left explicit instructions. All guilty of treason will be executed. If we found the heir, the heir was to be destroyed. Clarice Tremaine has children, doesn't she?"

"A son." 

Eric jerked around at Samson's words, clenching his jaw. "She has-"

"A son," Samson repeated, still staring at Eric with that fierce glint in his eyes. "Isn't that right, sir?"

"Yes. They have a son." A strange wave hit Eric, numbness setting in. "But the king-"

"Our orders are from the queen," Jensa said. "Does she not speak for the king? Does she act outside of his awareness?"

Eric frowned. "But surely if she knew who they were--Jensa, call her here. She gave you a way."

"I will not." Jensa turned toward the front of the tent. "I will do my duty as the queen commanded. She gave me direct orders to follow through even if you were unwilling to do your duty. I have full authority to replace you as Commander in this instance, and I will do so." He paused at the flap of the tent, glancing over his shoulder. "She knew it would likely be Princess Clarice at the mention of an heir. She knew what was at stake. My orders remain."

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