Meeting At His Place

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She stood outside the beckoning door. She could feel her heart racing. Misaki knew he was waiting for her but she couldn't seem to move as her legs stayed, frozen in place.

I want to see him... So why am I not moving...?

The cake stayed in her arms firmly and the bag hung over her shoulder.  She looked around the hallway. Nothing special about it. A few floral paintings hung in the hall and the flooring was carpeted. She could see a few more doors as those were place other people resided. 

She took a deep breath in and pushed the small doorbell button on the side of the door.

Ding dong~

Her mind began to be overcome by fear as her cheeks turned a light pink.

What if he doesn't want me over? What if he just got out of the shower and he's shir--- Gah!

Her cheeks became even more flushed when she heard a sudden click of the door.

"Oi Kaichou I am really glad to see you here!"

Her eyes gazed upon his as she lightly smiled. "It's good to see you standing again."

Her statement was followed by a smile. He looked down at her hands and saw the sweet delicacy in front of him. "Cake? Did you make it?"

"U-um no... I don't really bake that well remember..."

"I love it when you cook. Now come on in. "

She followed his request as she walked into the apartment. The layout was messy, as always. She didn't mind. Anything was better than her dump she called a home. 

She set the stuff down and glanced around as she looked out the glass door viewing the city at dusk.

"Kaichou are you spending the night? You seem to have brought a bag full of stuff with you."

"U-uh I guess..." She never really though about it. Something just made her pack those pajamas. She felt dumb for bringing so much. "I-if I do you better not try anything you perverted alien." To hide her embarrassment she continued looking out the glass pane. There was a moment of silence when his hand gently grasped her shoulder. Her turned it and gently leaned her against the window as his masculine body held her down. She continued blushing as his hand pulled her chin up to meet her gaze.

"I wont try anything..." His lips meet hers in a passionate embrace as he moved forward slightly. "I won't try anything now." He pulled back and smirked a devious look as Misaki's face was left red as a cherry.

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