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Zack: Hey Joe, it's been awhile
since we've talk, wyd?
Sent 2:46 pm

Zack: Joe? You there?
Sent 2:50 pm

So for not answering earlier. :Joe
I was busy.


"Joe, seriously, you can't let this keep happening, one day it's going to get way out of hand and severe." Liam sympathizes with a worried look, concerned for his best friend.

"I can handle it." Joe says simply, not meeting Liam's gaze; staring nonchalantly at the ground.

"Listen, I know I'm in no place to speak in this situation..." Parker begins uncertainly, "But Liam's right, it could get worse from bruises and small cuts. You've said he chokes you sometimes- right?" He finishes.

Joe sighs defeatedly, "I know it's dangerous, but what am I supposed to do about it. If I call the police they'll send me to a orphanage."

Liam looks at his friend helplessly, "Joe..."

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