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Zack😆: Hi!

Hi? Who are you? :🙀Joe

Zack😆: Your worst nightmare...

Well that's ominous... :🙀Joe

Zack😆: jk jk, I'm Zack

Ok hi, I'm Joe :🙀Joe

Zack😆: Hoi

How'd you find me? :🙀Joe

Zack😆: If I told you... I'd have to kill you....

... Nvm then :🙀Joe

Zack😆: jk again, I was looking up one of
my friends and came accross you (A/n Is that how Kik works?)

Oh, okay, cool? :🙀Joe

Zack😆: Yep! Most of my friends are online
anyway, so what's one more gonna do?

Tru dat :🙀Joe

Zack😆: Did you just...?

Heheheh, yes. Yes I did. :🙀Joe

Zack😆: *sigh* Why did I have to choose
To talk to you?

;-; i cri evrytim :🙀Joe

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