[13] s u l l e n

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I stared at Alex, dumbfounded when he popped the question I had been waiting for him to ask.

There were times where I would give myself scenarios of how Alex would propose to me. In a fancy restaurant during a candle-lit dinner? On the beach as we watch the sunset?

Alex had never been the romantic kind so I would have been surprised if he had done one of those scenarios. But I was grateful that he had caught the hint I had given him a few years back that I wanted a simple proposal. I never liked fake attention by outsiders or people I didn't know.

I smiled like a Cheshire cat at Alex who was gazing into my eyes with a look that lacked confidence, something I was seeing for the first time since I met him.

I knelt down until our eyes were levelled. My grin extended so widely, it felt like all my facial muscles were stretching to create such a broad grin as I threw my arms around him and nodded profusely.

"Obviously?! Yes, yes!"

His tensed muscles relaxed as he laughed and kissed my hair. Even though it felt like the world was only the two of us at that very special moment, I could still hear the families cheering and applauding for us.

He stood up while I followed suit, and placed his hands on my shoulders to pull me away.

Alex took out the silver ring studded with glimmering diamonds on its edges, that had a carving on the front of the ring that said, "Felicity Chomsky" in a very cursive italic font. He snugged the ring into my ring finger.

I beamed at Alex and kissed the ring, but as soon as the ring was on my finger, it happened all too swiftly when he swooped me off my feet and held me in his arms bridal style. He laughed as he threw me in mid air. I shrieked and thought I was going to land on the floor with a huge thud accompanied by a few broken bones, but I landed in his sturdy arms safely.

"I love you so goddamn much, Mrs Chomsky!" He chirped, found my lips and pressed his against mine.

I smirked and hugged his neck before returning the kiss.

For a long while into the night, our families chatted while Mom and Fenny replenished the many dishes that they seemed to have prepared in advance. I brisk-walked into the kitchen after having a small conversation with Alex's parents. It was a little embarrassing that his family had to take the time off from work to witness Alex proposing to me. His family were the busiest bunch of people I had ever known.

I skipped by Mom's side and wrapped my arms around her, "Did you guys prepare all these the whole afternoon?" I gaped at the array of colours on the rows of plates and the huge jar of iced orange juice.

"We couldn't let our guests leave with an empty stomach, now could we?" Fenny spoke for her as mom winked at me.

"This is all Alex's idea?"

"Who else would go to such extent for you?" Mom said.

"You would." I gave mom a peak on the cheek, to which she rolled her eyes and patted my back.

"I'm really proud of you, Felis," Fenny gave me a side smile.

"You've found a man who cares of you and your family," Both of us watched Alex from a distance, who had knelt down in front of Edward and seemed to be holding a conversation with him as Edward giggled and pinched Alex's cheeks. Edward tried to run away when Alex tickled and pretended to bite his tummy, but Alex caught him, lifted him up and propped him on his hip.

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