[03] r u s h

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If I said that I was panicking, it was an understatement, because it felt like I was about to pee in my pants and my heart was about to jump out of my chest.

I scurried over to the study desk, nearly tripping on a sock, as I grabbed all the necessary documents with a hand and holding my ponytail in place with another. Stuffing all the loose papers in my bag, I flung it on the bed and looped a rubber-band around my ponytail to secure it in place.

I dashed past the mirror before heading to the door and I realised that the white top I'd put on was crumpled, making me look like I just got out of bed. Technically, yes, I just got out of bed 6 minutes ago, but no this wouldn't work. Scowling, I pulled the top over my head and threw the wardrobe door open to find something that didn't need ironing.

Had it not been for the spoilt alarm clock, the one I used often that decided to ruin my senior's first impression of me for being late for my first internship, I wouldn't be late and toss my clothes all over the floor just to find a decent looking one. I swore I woke up earlier than expected. But somehow or rather, I found myself back on the bed and only waking up with 10 minutes to get ready.

Curse that clock. I'll have to buy myself a new one.

"Come on." I growled as I couldn't find the hole for my head to go through. I snatched my bag and stuffed my phone into the jean pocket awkwardly while tugging on my blouse so that my arms could move freely.

My stomach grunted when I reached downstairs, already putting on my converse shoes. Breakfast had totally slipped my mind while rushing around. Oh I wanted food so badly.

"Mum! I'm going off now!" I called while struggling to tie my shoelaces in top speed.

"Not having breakfast?" She asked from the kitchen.

"No time! Bye!" Not giving a chance for Mum to continue, I closed the door behind me, muffling whatever she was going to say to me, and raced to the busy main street, which was a few metres away from my house, to call a cab.

The adrenaline surged through my veins and my heartbeat was accelerating with every minute passed. Everyone would be there on time and when they saw me scuttling to my seat, or wherever they'd be, I'd definitely get a earful. On my first day! I was thankful that it didn't take long for me to finally get into a cab.

The moment after telling the taxi cab driver my destination, I glanced at my wristwatch; 8.05am

I'm already 5 minutes late! I screamed at myself mentally, and at the clock as well for screwing up my day. It just HAVE to be today, doesn't it?

After my shift, I'd have to buy a couple of clocks, maybe three- no, four, and set all the alarms with 5 minutes difference to each alarm. Or maybe I cou-

My train of thoughts were disturbed by the vibration in my jean pocket. I pulled out my phone and Kate's picture, alongside a green and red button appeared, blinking at me.

"Hey what's-" It suddenly occurred to me that I should have checked my bag if I'd left out anything in a hurry. A weigh on my chest made my breathing uneven as I knew I'd leave out something. I always did. Please, don't let it be my study documents. I'd spent the whole night completing it!

Kate coughed and I jerked up slightly. I'd forgotten that she was on the other line.

"Let me guess. At this hour," I could sense her checking her wristwatch.

"You're either late or... late." She said flatly but I swore I could hear her chuckling softly.

"It's not my fault this time I promise! Ugh I don't want to talk about it. Makes me mad. What's up?" I tried to sound cool but I was panicking because I couldn't seem to find my wallet!

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